
v0rtex + yalu102

Primary LanguageObjective-C


(WIP) jailbreak for iOS 10.3.x on A7-A9 devices

v0rtex + yalu102

what works

  • tfp0
  • kernel r/w access
  • remount / as r/w
  • amfi patched
  • starts an ssh server listening on port 2222
  • command line tools to install packages (dpkg, apt-get if you install it)
  • Substrate

what doesn't work

  • Cydia (I have temporarily given Cydia a special entitlement so it will run, but it cannot install packages)
  • GUI apps that need root priveledges are experiencing a sandbox error
  • Filza can be fixed by applying the same extra entitlement given to Cydia
  • I am trying to figure out the problem

thanks to everyone helping out, finding offsets, testing, etc!

creds: Lucky Tobasco, Sizuga, Xenu, Saurik