Execute the following instructiongs in terminal:
$git clone https://github.com/SnoozeZ/social-recycle.git
$cd social-recycle
$rails server
Then open the web broswer to open the following url:
First make sure the local files are the newest:
$git pull origin master
If conflict exist, solve it before push.
Then push code into the repo
$git add .
$git commit -m "what I have did"
$git push origin master
reset database:
$bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset
$bundle exec rake db:rollback
execute script in /db/migration:
$bundle exec rake db:migrate
fill in seeds data:
$bundle exec rake db:seed
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- item页面加地图,显示两个点,以及两个点之间的距离
- 在item页面,如果item被dibs掉了,就不显示了
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