
CS 307 - Software Engineering

Creators: Cole, Shivani, Chloe, Patricia, and Anushka


This project was created for CS 30700: Software Engineering at Purdue University.

The purpose of the project is to compile many of the resources students use for course planning into a single application that streamlines the process, making it easier and faster to create a degree plan and to modify it as you go.

The project is now being continued independently here.


Install node.js, and optionally docker


cd into the client folder

Installing and updating packages

To update packages, such as when new dependencies are added, run npm i

To install a package from npmjs, run npm i {package_name}

  • Note: some packages (such as material UI) may not have been updated for the latest version of React. Installing these may require adding the --legacy-peer-deps flag. (e.g. npm i --legacy-peer-deps)

Running the client

Run npm run dev inside the client folder


cd into the server folder

Copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env

Installing and updating packages

To update packages, such as when new dependencies are added, run npm i

To install a package from npmjs, run npm i {package_name}

Running the server

Run npm run dev or node index.js inside the server folder


Docker allows you to run a local database and mail server.

Running docker

Run docker compose up inside the root folder.

You can also specify the -d flag to run in the background (docker compose up -d)

  • To stop the server, run docker compose down


MailHog is a fake email server useful for local development. The following ports are used:

  • localhost:1025 is the SMTP mail server for sending emails to
  • localhost:8025 is a web interface for viewing the sent emails in your browser


The local MongoDB instance is exposed on localhost:27017. The admin username is root and the admin password is hunter2

Mongo Express

Mongo Express is a web interface for browsing the contents of the mongoDB database. It is located at localhost:8081