
Optimizes image files by converting them to webp while also updating all references.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Because FoundryVTT changed its underlying database with version 11 this tool no longer works and should be considered deprecated. I will update it once I find the time. Until then, don't use it.


Optimizes images by (re-)saving them as webp. For every file it replaced it automatically updates all references. Works on single files as well as on folders.

Installation: Windows

Step 1: Get the exe

Option 1: Download

Download one of the pre-built fvttoptimizer.exe files from Releases

Go to Step 2: Install program

Option 2: Build it yourself

Install python3 (version >= 3.8) and add it to your PATH system environment variable.

You can check the version via CMD or powershell with:

python --version

Download or clone the repo.

Open a CMD instance inside the project root folder and create a virtual environment.

python -m venv .\venv

Activate the venv:


Install the Pillow package:

pip install pillow==9.1.0

Install pyInstaller package:

pip install pyInstaller==4.10

Download the fvttmv python package (whl file) from here: https://github.com/watermelonwolverine/fvttmv/releases/tag/0.2.4 move it into the folder and install it:

pip install fvttmv-0.2.4-py3-none-any.whl

Run build file:


You should now have a fvttoptimizer.exe file under dist. After the build succeeded you can delete the venv you previously created.

Go to Step 2: Install program

Step 2: Install program

Create an empty folder where you want to install the program for example C:\fvttoptimizer

Copy fvttoptimizer.exe into that folder.

Create a fvttoptimizer.conf text file in that folder.

Copy {"absolute_path_to_foundry_data":"INSERT_PATH_HERE"} into fvttoptimizer.conf

Replace INSERT_PATH_HERE with the path to the Data folder inside your foundrydata (Not the foundrydata folder itself!).

IMPORTANT: Escape all \ with \\ in that path.

It should look something like this:


Add the installation path to your PATH system environment variable.

Uninstallation: Windows

Delete fvttoptimizer.exe and fvttoptimizer.conf files from the installation directory.

Remove the path to the installation directory from the PATH system environment variable.

Installation: Ubuntu 16.04 -20.04

Optional: Install Python

An up-to-date Ubuntu 20.04 should have python >= 3.8. Check it with:

python3 --version

From here on pythonX will be used as placeholder for the python you should use. Depending on your system you need to replace X with 3, 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10 .

Install python version>=3.8 if not yet installed.

sudo apt install pythonX

Step 1: Get the executable

Option 1: Download

Download one of the pre-built fvttoptimizer files from Releases

Go to Step 2: Install the files

Option 2: Build it yourself

Install python if haven't already.

Install Pillow dependencies (read more here https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html):

sudo apt install pythonX-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev libopenjp2-7-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python3-tk libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev libxcb1-dev

Download or clone repo.

Create venv inside the repo:

sudo apt install pythonX-venv

pythonX -m venv ./venv

Activate venv:

source venv/bin/activate

Install Pillow (should succeed if you installed all the dependencies):

pythonX -m pip install Pillow==9.1.0

Install pyInstaller:

pythonX -m pip install pyInstaller==4.10

Download the fvttmv python package (whl file) from here: https://github.com/watermelonwolverine/fvttmv/releases/tag/0.2.4 move it into the folder and install it:

pythonX -m pip install fvttmv-0.2.4-py3-none-any.whl

Now run the build script:


Step 2: Install the files

Option 1: Automatic installation

Install python if you haven't already.

Clone the repo if you haven't already.

Go into the project folder.

Build the project if you haven't already. If you downloaded a pre-built executable. Create a folder named dist and move the file there.

Inside the project folder run:

sudo pythonX scripts/install_on_ubuntu.sh

Option 2: Manual installation

Copy the fvttoptimizer file either from dist from where you downloaded it to usr/bin/fvttoptimizer

Make the file executable:

sudo chmod ugo=rx usr/bin/fvttoptimizer

Create a fvttoptimizer.conf file at /etc/

Copy {"absolute_path_to_foundry_data":"INSERT_PATH_HERE"} into fvttoptimizer.conf

Replace INSERT_PATH_HERE with the path to the Data folder inside your foundrydata (Not the foundrydata folder itself!).

It should look something like this:


Uninstallation: Ubuntu

Delete the files /etc/fvttoptimizer.conf and /usr/bin/fvttoptimizer



Shut down Foundry VTT before optimizing any files.

Use this program at your own risk. It has been tested extensively but there are no guarantees. Always keep backup of your Foundry VTT data for cases where something goes wrong.


fvttoptimizer [--verbose-info, --verbose-debug, --version, --help, --quality value, --override-percent value, --skip-webp, --skip-existing, --recursive] target

target: Path to file or directory which should be optimized


--verbose-info: Enables verbose output to console

--verbose-debug: Enables very verbose output to console

--version: Prints version and exits

--help: Display help and exit

--skip-existing: Ignores files of which a webp already exists. For example image.png will not be converted if a image.webp is already in the same folder

--skip-webp: Don't touch webp files at all

--quality: The quality setting for the webp compression. Default is 75

--override-percent: How much smaller the new file needs to be to replace the old one. For example if this value is 25 the file size after optimizing needs to be 25% smaller than the original. Default is 25

--recursive: If the optimization should be done recursively to all sub folders of the target folder.


Optimizing a file:

Ubuntu: fvttoptimizer path/to/file.png

Windows: fvttoptimizer path\to\file.png

Optimizing a folder and all it's sub folders:

Ubuntu: fvttoptimizer --recursive pathto/folder

Windows: fvttoptimizer.exe --recursive path\to\folder

Use single quotes when moving a file with a space:

Ubuntu: fvttoptimizer 'some folder/some file.jpg'

Windows: fvttoptimizer.exe 'some folder\some file.jpg'

Change parameters:

Ubuntu: fvttoptimizer --quality 50 --override-percent 50 file.jpg

Windows: fvttoptimizer --quality 50 --override-percent 50 file.jpg

Known Issues and Quirks


The program only works in powershell not in cmd.

When one of the paths has \' at the end, the arguments will get mixed up. This is a problem with how python handles arguments and probably can't be fixed. For example on Windows fvttoptimizer.exe '\folder name with spaces\' will fail but fvttoptimizer.exe '\folder name with spaces' will succeed.