Start debugserver and LLDB,attatch the process you want to debug.

How to use

1. Import the scripts

command script import ~/Path/To/Your/

command script import ~/Path/To/Your/

Also, you can put these commands above into the file ~/.lldbinit

2. Commands

Command Options Functionality
iobjc_msgSend Break before every objc_msgSend message.
iarguments Print arguments of objc_msgSend message.
ievaluate Print return value of objc_msgSend message.
idisassemble Show dissassemble around pc.
iunicode {register|address} Print unicode (i.e. Chinese) output.
iaslr [module] Print ASLR of specified module.
ibreak [module]|{fixed_address} Set a breakpoint with a fixed address.
iraddress [module]|{fixed_address} Print the runtime/virtual address.
ifaddress [module]|[runtime_address] Print the fixed address.

3. Commands examples

(lldb) process interrupt
(lldb) help

(lldb) iobjc_msgSend
(lldb) iarguments
(lldb) ievaluate

(lldb) idisassemble

(lldb) iaslr
(lldb) iaslr UIKit

(lldb) ibreak Foundation 0x00000001234567   // 0x00000001234567 is Copied from IDA/Hopper
(lldb) ibreak 0x00000001234567	  // (for convenience, share library omitted)
// Note, use 'bt' to check selected/top frame's module(target module/image/share library/) is this address's owner.(Take 'Foundation' for an example here)

(lldb) iraddress your.dylib 0x00000007654321 
(lldb) iraddress 0x00000007654321	// (for convenience, share library omitted)

(lldb) ifaddress your.dylib 0x00000009876543
(lldb) ifaddress 0x00000009876543	// (for convenience, share library omitted)
(lldb) ifaddress	// show current 'pc' fixed address corresponding in IDA/Hopper

(lldb) iunicode $x1
(lldb) iunicode 0x0000000abc123
(lldb) iunicode 0xffffffffa1...



Will break before every objc_msgSend message, or stop when encounter:


but skip objc_release and objc_retainAutorelease messages.


Arguments [module] (aka shared library or dylib or framework or target or image some how) is optional, when current [module] is the address owner.


Full enter the commad characters is not necessary , use the Tab keyboard key. Take iobjc_msgSend as an example:

(lldb) io + [Tab] + [Enter]

or, if only one command with prefix io in lldb environment, just issue:

(lldb) io + [Enter]