
This bash script assesses web server security through HTTP method tests (GET, POST, etc.) and custom header checks. Valuable for cybersecurity pros and sysadmins.

Primary LanguageShell

Bash Script for HTTP Vulnerability and Header Testing

Description This bash script is designed to assess the security of web servers by testing for potential vulnerabilities and potential bypasses of security measures. It performs a series of HTTP method tests, including GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, TRACE, TRACK, CONNECT, and PATCH, against a specified URL. Additionally, the script checks the server's response to various custom headers, such as Referer, X-Custom-IP-Authorization, X-Original-URL, and more. The test results are displayed, indicating whether the server responded with successful, redirect, or error HTTP codes. This script serves as a valuable tool for cybersecurity professionals and system administrators aiming to evaluate their web servers' resilience against possible attacks.

form of use

./byp4xx.sh http://url/path/