
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Semantic Model Generator is used to generate a semantic model for use in your Snowflake account.

Your workflow should be:

  1. Setup to set credentials.
  2. Usage to create a model either through Python or command line.
  3. Post Generation to fill out the rest of your semantic model.
  4. Validating Your Final Semantic Model to ensure any changes you've made are valid.
  5. Admin App spin up the admin app for easier generation of your semantic model.

Or, if you want to see what a semantic model looks like, skip to Examples.


We currently leverage credentials saved as environment variables. Note, host is optional depending on your Snowflake deployment.

A. To find your Account locator, please execute the following sql command in your account.


B. To find the SNOWFLAKE_HOST for your account, follow these instructions.

  • Currently we recommend you to look under the Account locator (legacy) method of connection for better compatibility on API.
  • It typically follows format of: https://<accountlocator>.<region>.<cloud>.snowflakecomputing.com
  1. To set these on Mac OS/Linux:
export SNOWFLAKE_ROLE="<your-snowflake-role>"
export SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE="<your-snowflake-warehouse>"
export SNOWFLAKE_USER="<your-snowflake-user>"
export SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD="<your-snowflake-password>"
export SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR="<your-snowflake-account-locator>"
export SNOWFLAKE_HOST="<your-snowflake-host>"
  1. To set these on Windows:
set SNOWFLAKE_ROLE=<your-snowflake-role>
set SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE=<your-snowflake-warehouse>
set SNOWFLAKE_USER=<your-snowflake-user>
set SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD=<your-snowflake-password>
set SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_LOCATOR=<your-snowflake-account-locator>
set SNOWFLAKE_HOST=<your-snowflake-host>
  1. To set these within a Python environment:
import os

# Setting environment variables
os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_ROLE'] = '<your-snowflake-role>'
os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE'] = '<your-snowflake-warehouse>'
os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_USER'] = '<your-snowflake-user>'
os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD'] = '<your-snowflake-password>'
os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_HOST'] = '<your-snowflake-host>'


You may generate a semantic model for a given list of fully qualified tables following the {database}.{schema}.{table} format. Each table in this list should be a physical table or a view present in your database.

If your snowflake tables and comments do not have comments, we currently leverages cortex LLM function to auto-generate description suggestions. Those generation are suffixed with '__' and additional comment to remind you to confirm/modity the descriptions.

All generated semantic models by default are saved either under semantic_model_generator/output_models if running from the root of this project or the current directory you're in.

Generation - Python

  1. Ensure you have installed the Python package. Note, the version below should be the latest version under the dist/ directory.
pip install dist/*.whl
  1. Activate Python shell
  1. Generate a semantic model.
from semantic_model_generator.generate_model import generate_base_semantic_model_from_snowflake

BASE_TABLES = ['<your-database-name-1>.<your-schema-name-1>.<your-base-table-or-view-name-1>','<your-database-name-2>.<your-schema-name-2>.<your-base-table-or-view-name-2>']
SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT = "<your-snowflake-account>"
SEMANTIC_MODEL_NAME = "<a-meaningful-semantic-model-name>"


Generation - CLI

Unlike the Python route above, using the CLI assumes that you will manage your environment using poetry and pyenv for Python versions. This has only been tested on Mas OS/Linux.

  1. If you need brew, make install-homebrew.
  2. If you need pyenv, make install-pyenv and make install-python-3.8.
  3. make setup Make setup will install poetry if needed.

This is the script version run on the command line.

  1. poetry shell . This will activate your virtual environment.
  2. Run on your command line.
python -m semantic_model_generator.generate_model \
    --base_tables  "['<your-database-name-1>.<your-schema-name-1>.<your-base-table-or-view-name-1>','<your-database-name-2>.<your-schema-name-2>.<your-base-table-or-view-name-2>']" \
    --semantic_model_name "<a-meaningful-semantic-model-name>" \


Additional Fields to Fill Out

Important: After generation, your YAML files will have a series of lines with # <FILL-OUT>. Please take the time to fill these out with your business context.

By default, the generated semantic model will contain all columns from the provided tables/views. However, it's highly encouraged to only keep relevant columns and drop any unwanted columns from the generated semantic model.

In addition, consider adding the following elements to your semantic model:

  1. Logical columns for a given table/view that are expressions over physical columns.
    • Example: col1 - col2 could be the expr for a logical column.
  2. Synonyms. Any additional synonyms for column names.
  3. Filters. Additional filters with their relevant expr.

Validating Yaml Updates

After you've edited your semantic model, you can validate this file before uploading.

  1. Using Python. Ensure you've installed the package.
from semantic_model_generator.validate_model import validate_from_local_path


  1. Using the command line. Ensure poetry shell is activated.
python -m semantic_model_generator.validate_model \
    --yaml_path="/path/to/your/model_yaml.yaml \


Generation and validation using admin app

  1. Ensure you have installed the Python package.
pip install dist/*.whl
  1. Start the admin streamlit app on your local.
make run_admin_app


If you have an example table in your account with the following DDL statements.

CREATE TABLE sales.public.sd_data (
    dt DATETIME,
    cat VARCHAR(255),
    loc VARCHAR(255),
    cntry VARCHAR(255)
    chn VARCHAR(50),
    amt DECIMAL(10, 2),
    unts INT,
    cst DECIMAL(10, 2)

Here is an example semantic model, with data elements automatically generated from this repo and filled out by a user.

# Name and description of the semantic model.
name: Sales Data
description: This semantic model can be used for asking questions over the sales data.

# A semantic model can contain one or more tables.

  # A logical table on top of the 'sd_data' base table.
  - name: sales_data
    description: A logical table capturing daily sales information across different store locations and product categories.

    # The fully qualified name of the base table.
      database: sales
      schema: public
      table: sd_data

    # Dimension columns in the logical table.
      - name: product_category
          - "item_category"
          - "product_type"
        description: The category of the product sold.
        expr: cat
        data_type: NUMBER
        unique: false
          - "501"
          - "544"

      - name: store_country
        description: The country where the sale took place.
        expr: cntry
        data_type: TEXT
        unique: false
          - "USA"
          - "GBR"

      - name: sales_channel
          - "channel"
          - "distribution_channel"
        description: The channel through which the sale was made.
        expr: chn
        data_type: TEXT
        unique: false
          - "FB"
          - "GOOGLE"

    # Time dimension columns in the logical table.
      - name: sale_timestamp
          - "time_of_sale"
          - "transaction_time"
        description: The time when the sale occurred. In UTC.
        expr: dt
        data_type: TIMESTAMP
        unique: false

    # Measure columns in the logical table.
      - name: sales_amount
          - "revenue"
          - "total_sales"
        description: The total amount of money generated from the sale.
        expr: amt
        data_type: NUMBER
        default_aggregation: sum

      - name: sales_tax
        description: The sales tax paid for this sale.
        expr: amt * 0.0975
        data_type: NUMBER
        default_aggregation: sum

      - name: units_sold
          - "quantity_sold"
          - "number_of_units"
        description: The number of units sold in the transaction.
        expr: unts
        data_type: NUMBER
        default_aggregation: sum

      - name: cost
        description: The cost of the product sold.
        expr: cst
        data_type: NUMBER
        default_aggregation: sum

      - name: profit
          - "earnings"
          - "net income"
        description: The profit generated from a sale.
        expr: amt - cst
        data_type: NUMBER
        default_aggregation: sum

    # A table can define commonly used filters over it. These filters can then be referenced in user questions directly.
      - name: north_america
          - "North America"
          - "N.A."
          - "NA"
        description: "A filter to restrict only to north american countries"
        expr: cntry IN ('canada', 'mexico', 'usa')


In order to push a new build and release, follow the steps below. Note, only admins are allowed to push release/v tags.

You should follow the setup commands from usage-cli to install poetry and create your environment.

  1. Checkout a new branch from main. You should name this branch release/vYYYY-MM-DD.
  2. Bump the poetry:
    • poetry version patch
    • poetry version minor
    • poetry version major
  3. Update the CHANGELOG.md adding a relevant header for your version number along with a description of the changes made.
  4. Run make build to create a new .whl file.
  5. Push your files for approval.
  6. After approval, run make release which will cut a new release and attach the .whl file.
  7. Merge in your pr.
  • Note: If you make release does not trigger the GH action. Please delete the tag and push again.