
error in predict depth

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Hi, thks for your work! I encountered a problem when I try to run your code on Ubuntu16.04. I found things goes well but when I go to the step 'mrun predict_depth'.

The traceback is as follow:

Error in vl_argparse (line 160)
        opts.(field) = vl_argparse(opts.(field), value, 'merge') ;

Error in my_nn_struct_forward (line 13)
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);

Error in do_model_evaluate (line 23)
res = my_nn_struct_forward(net, img_data, [], ...

Error in predict_depth>get_depth (line 88)
    depth = do_model_evaluate(model, ds, opts);

Error in predict_depth (line 53)
        depth = get_depth(img,model.(imtype),opts);

Could you tell me where am I wrong?
Look forword your guidance! Thks again!

I have met the same problem before.Have you run the following code?

cd ../libs/matconvnet/
matlab -nodesktop
      >> addpath matlab/
      >> mex -setup
      >> cd matlab/
      >> vl_compilenn
      >> exit

I think it would be something wrong with vlfeat,You can refer to the official guidence to installing and compiling the library.☺️

Hi, tks for your sharing. I met a problem ,when I run vl_compilenn it compains that:

addpath matlab/
mex -setup
MEX configured to use 'Xcode with Clang' for C language compilation.
Warning: The MATLAB C and Fortran API has changed to support MATLAB
variables with more than 2^32-1 elements. You will be required
to update your code to utilize the new API.
You can find more information about this at:

To choose a different language, execute one from the following:
mex -setup C++
mex -setup FORTRAN

cd matlab/
Undefined function or variable 'vl_compilenn'.
I noticed no 'vl_compilenn' file in this directory!

Can you tell me which version of matconvnet you used?, thanks very much!

@peterWon Hi how can you run 'vl_compilenn' ? There is no this file in the directory, right?

the vl_compilenn.m is in the prep_scripts/fayao-dcnf-new/libs/matconvnet/matlab

@Snowty Thanks for your reply but I am 100% sure there is no this file in that directory downloaded from the link: []
screen shot 2018-03-21 at 11 27 05

I noticed you might used another version of matconvnet, not the one in the downloaded package.

You can download it from MatConvNet.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I will upload the full folder later in the Cloud disk. I am so sorry about that~😳😳😳

@CRonaldo1997 @peterWon

The github has the limititation of the file size.So I upload the code in BaiduYun, password:de7l
I hope it will help you.

There is still something wrong with the code.When I use some backgroud pictures,the matlab IDE will be killed.I am trying to figure it out.If you occur the same problem ,please contact me,thanks~😊
(my poor english...

Thanks for your kindly help!
When I run predict_depth.m, I met the following problem using mac, did you have the same problem?

screen shot 2018-03-21 at 15 29 32

.DS_Store is a hidden file in Mac, you can delete it by rm .DS_Store


@Snowty thanks, I showed every data including the hidden ones but no .DS_Store_tmp.png there. So I used a clean "prep_scripts" folder and repeated all the process from the beginning, it worked. I guess it is because the data was polluted by my previous operation. Many tks for your kindly kindly help! Btw, did you use this project for OCR?

Yes, use this project for OCR😞

@Snowty this repo have any update?

@ peterWon i met same problem here, how you resolve this?