
Simple Discord.py bot for ModMail support server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple Discord.py bot for the ModMail support server.
Codacy Badge Codacy Security Scan GitHub CodeQL Security Scan Supported Python Versions

Table of Contents


Have a question? Please avoid opening issues for general questions. Instead, it is much better to DM me on Discord SnowyJaguar#1034

Self Hosting

This self-hosting guide requires you to have some basic knowledge about command line, Python, and Discord bots. We do not provide any official support for self-hosting.


In order to run FAQ, you will need to install the following software.

You may also want to set up a virtual environment so that FAQ's requiremnts don't mess with your base enviroment.

Installing the source

Please fork this repository so that you can make pull requests. Then, clone your fork.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/ModMail-Bot-FAQ.git

# Sometimes you may want to merge changes from the upstream repository to your fork.
git checkout master
git pull https://github.com/SnowyJaguar/zupie.git master


Configuration is done through a .env file.

You should make a copy of example.env and rename it to .env.

  • TOKEN : Your bots token as found on the Discord Developer Portal
  • GUILD : The ID of the guild that the bot is in.
  • DESCRIPTION : The description of your bot
  • ACTIVITY : The activity message shown on the bot's status
  • OWNERS : The IDs of the bot owners, each ID separated by a comma.
  • Default_COLOUR : The default colour of the embeds.
  • FURTHER_SUPPORT_ROLE : The ID of the role that users get given when the FAQ did not help.

Setting up a virtual environment

This is useful if you want to run a variety of python projects on a machine but not have version conflicts. I highly recommend doing this even if you only have one project, I didn't understand the appeal when I started using python but after a while I started seeeing the benefits.

# Go to your project’s working directory
$ cd your-bot-source-directory
# In this example I am using 'env' as the name of my virtual
# environment however you can use whatever you want
$ python3 -m venv env

# Activate the virtual environment
# On Linux
$ source env/bin/activate

# On Windows
$ env\Scripts\activate.bat

# Use pip like usual
$ (env) <Your source directory>pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing the Modules

FAQ utilises discord.py and several other modules to function properly. The list of modules can be found in requirements.txt and you can install them with the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the bot

Congratulations! You have set up everything and you can finally have the bot up and running. Use the following command to run.

<Your source directory>python main.py


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License