
Discord queue bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Created to manage voice channel waiting rooms. This bot allows you to display the order of people waiting and easily pull them to another channel.

How to use

Note: If you only have 1 queue, you can skip the channel name argument.

Commands available to everyone

Function Command Description
Join !j {channel name} {OPTIONAL: custom message} Join or leave a text channel queue.
!j #waiting-room This is my custom message!
Help !h {OPTIONAL: channel name} Display all commands.

Commands available to moderators

Moderator commands are available to the server owner and users with any of the following roles: mod, moderator, admin, administrator. Roles containing these words will also grant priveledge, for example: mod boys. These keywords can have an s attached to the end and have any capitalization, for example: MODS.

Function Command Description
Create & Destroy Queues !q {channel name} {OPTIONAL: size} Create or destory a queue for a specified channel.
List Queues !q List the names of the existing queues.
Display a Queue !d {channel name} Display the members in a queue. These messages stay updated.
Pull from Voice !s {channel name} Add the bot to a voice queue. Then the bot can be dragged into another channel to automatically pull in the person at the front of the queue.
Pull from Text !n {channel name} {OPTIONAL: amount} Removes people from the text queue and displays their name.
Join !j {channel name} @{user 1} @{user 2}... {OPTIONAL: custom message} Add one or more people to a queue.
Kick !k {channel name} @{user 1} @{user 2} ... Kick one or more people from a queue.
Clear !clear {channel name} Clear a queue.
Shuffle !shuffle {channel name} Shuffle a queue.
Change Queue Size Limit !limit {channel name} {size limit} Changes queue size limit.
Server Settings
Change the Command Prefix !prefix {new prefix} Change the prefix for Queue Bot commands.
Change the Color !color {new color} Change the color of bot messages.
Change the Grace Period !grace {time in seconds} Change how long a person can leave a queue before losing their spot.
Change the Display Mode !mode {new mode} Changes how the display messages are updated. Use !mode to see the different update modes.

Example of !s

How to Install

  1. Create your Discord bot account
  2. Clone/download this repository
  3. Create a database for storing queues. Here's a the steps for Windows:
    3a. Download Postgresql
    3b. Run the installer. Use the default port. Skip Stack Builder. Remember the password you set, you will need it later.
    3c. Open Windows start menu, search for and open SQL Shell (psql).
    3d. Leave the default login values for Server, Database, Port, and Username.
    3e. Enter the password you chose during installation.
    3f. Create a new database. (The semicolon is important):
    3g. Close command prompt.
  4. Open the Queue Bot folder.
  5. Modify config/config.json:
    If you followed all of Step 3, you only need to update the REQUIRED fields in the table below.
REQUIRED Config Fields Description
prefix Command prefix (Default: !)
token Bot token. Found in the Discord Developer Portal for the bot you created in Step 1. See image of token location below this table.
databasePassword Database login password
Optional Config Fields Description
databaseUsername Database login username (Default: postgres)
databaseName Database name (Default: queue)
databaseHost Database host url (Default: localhost)
databaseType Type of database for queue storage. (Default: postgresql)
gracePeriod Number of seconds a user can leave the queue without being removed
permissionsRegexp What server roles can use bot commands. Uses RegExp. Accepts "mod" and "mods" by default.
color The color of bot messages.
Config Command Fields Description
clearCmd Command to clear the queue.
colorCmd Command to change the color.
commandPrefixCmd Command to change the command prefix.
displayCmd Command to display a queue in a text channel.
gracePeriodCmd Command to change the grace period.
helpCmd Command to display the help information.
joinCmd Command to join a text channel queue.
kickCmd Command to kick users from a queue.
limitCmd Command to change queue size limit.
modeCmd Command to change the display messaging mode.
nextCmd Command to pull the next user from a text channel.
queueCmd Command to change queues.
shuffleCmd Command to shuffle the queue.
startCmd Command to make the bot join a voice channel.

Token Location

  1. Install NodeJS 12+
  2. Install Node-gyp
  3. Install Dependencies. Open commmand prompt in project directory (If you have the project open in file explorer, click on the directory bar, enter cmd, and hit enter). Enter npm i into command prompt. Keep the command prompt open.
  4. Build the bot. In the same command prompt, enter npm run build.
  5. Start the Bot. Enter npm start into command prompt. If you get an error at boot, there is something wrong in your config.json. When you close command prompt, the bot will stop.
  6. Optional. Make the bot run in the background, so you don't need command prompt open.
    9a. In command prompt, enter npm install pm2
    9b. To start the bot, enter pm2 start bot.js --time
    9c. To stop the bot, enter pm2 stop bot.js