
Try and fix the glass from within Halo

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Halo uses the wrong sampler type in the glass shader causing it to fail to render on anything that does not allow for that. If Chimera could correct it game-side then we would not have to depend on wrappers like dgVoodoo and DXVK to have working glass.

Voids I would be very interested in such a project if it came to pass (tjsase from Discord)

you don't actually have to use a wrapper to fix those shaders. you can always create a shortcut for the halo.exe, then set -use14 in the launch options. it uses directx 8.1 and appears to look almost identical to dx9, but with working glass shaders right out the box.

I think maybe the whole reason that it's broken in dx9 mode on PC is that firstly the og xbox ran halo in directx 8.1, and while they were developing the game on PC early on, there basically were no dx9 gpus available. I dunno, maybe it's rendered correctly in dx9 on old cards like the nvidia fx series/radeon 9000 series

Or you can use CEnshine, that fixes shaders like transparent glass and other issues:

Most of those shaders problems are basically downgraded shaders for the claimed "fast shaders" introduced by Gearbox in an attempt to having Halo running on all PC hardware from that time, other issues seem to be related to human error like transparent glass, that picked up the wrong texture sampler for it's operation probably when Custom Edition was made.