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👨‍💻 ZanzyTHEbar

💻 My Projects

💻 Technology 🚀 Projects
Visual Studio Code Genetic-Projects
Arduino Smart Air Filter Project
Arduino EasyNetworkManager
Arduino ESP32GreenhouseTowerDIYESP32Micro
Python UFO-DetectorMicroPythonAsyncWebserver

💻Tech Stack

Apache Groovy C C# C++ Crystal Dart CSS3 Java HTML5 LaTeX Markdown JavaScript GraphQL Python TypeScript Kotlin Azure Firebase Heroku DigitalOcean Google Cloud AWS .Net Anaconda Angular Angular.js Apollo-GraphQL Django Chart.js Bootstrap DjangoREST Electron.js Express.js Fastify jQuery NodeJS Next JS NestJS NPM Meteor JS Less JWT Flask Flutter Gatsby Green Sock Gulp Pug p5js OpenCV React Native React Router Redux RxDB RxJS Semantic UI React Svelte Symfony Webpack Vue.js Thymeleaf Strapi Spring Threejs TailwindCSS Socket.io Qt FastAPI Yarn Styled Components Apache Apache Airflow Apache Ant Apache Flink Apache Maven Jenkins Nginx MongoDB MySQL MariaDB Postgres Redis MicrosoftSQLServer Adobe After Effects Krita Dribbble Figma Gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program Inkscape Affinity Designer Proto.io SKETCH TensorFlow PyTorch Pandas NumPy Keras Babel CMake Confluence Terraform Raspberry Pi Trello Postman Docker ESLint Arduino

#include <iostream>

int main(void){
    std::cout << "Hello there! Welcome to my github!" << endl;
    return 0;

pi@DRAGON~$ Hello there! Welcome to my github!

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