
IW3x-port is a community-driven project that aims to enhance the IW4x multiplayer experience by enabling the export and conversion of various assets from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2007).

The built-in ZoneBuilder tool from IW4x can build new assets based on the models, materials, zones and other assets exported by IW3x-port.

How To Use

  1. Place the iw3xport.exe in your IW3 installation folder, next to the iw3mp.exe and iw3sp.exe.
  2. Start IW3x-port, it will open up the console window of IW3.
  3. Run the commands for the assets you wish to export.

Another approach is to use it in the terminal.
This way, you can specify start parameters, for example to set certain dvars.
Run iw3xport.exe -stdout to redirect the output into the terminal.


Before you can export any asset, it first has to be loaded by the game.
Use loadzone <zone_name> command first, and then use the commands for the assets you want to export.


To export the M14 Sniper:

loadzone scoutsniper
dumpweapon m14_scoped_silencer_woodland

To export the head icon of the Marines Team:

loadzone mp_backlot
dumpmaterial headicon_american

Example of how to use it in the terminal, with additional parameters:

iw3xport.exe -stdout +set iw3x_correct_speculars 1 +set iw3x_convert_gsc 1 +set iw3x_smodels_fix_method 2 +set iw3x_add_care_packages 1 +set export_path mods\airlift +dumpmap airlift


Name Description Example
loadzone Loads the specified Zone loadzone mp_bog
materialInfoDump Prints all Material Names with SortKey, Packed Flags and StateFlags materialInfoDump (well...)
dumpMap Exports the specified Map with help of the commands below dumpMap mp_bog
dumpclipMap_t Exports the ClipMap of a Map Needs an Example
dumpComWorld Exports the ComWorld of a Map Needs an Example
dumpFxEffectDef Exports the Effects of a Map Needs an Example
dumpGameWorld Exports the GameWorld of a Map Needs an Example
dumpGfxImage Exports an Image dumpGfxImage loadscreen_mp_bog (needs testing...)
dumpGfxLightDef Exports the Lights of a map Needs an Example
dumpGfxWorld Exports the GfxWorld of a map Needs an Example
dumpMapEnts Exports the Entities of a map Needs an Example
dumpMaterial Exports the Materials of a map Loadscreen: dumpMaterial $levelbriefing
Compass: dumpMaterial compass_map_bog
dumpTeams Exports all Teams dumpTeams
dumpTechset Exports a TechSet Needs an Example
dumpRawFile Exports Vision Files, Sun and GSC scripts of a Map dumpRawFile sun/map_bog.sun
dumpRawFile vision/map_bog.vision
dumpRawFile maps/mp/mp_bog.gsc
dumpSound Exports a Sound dumpsound ambient_village_assault_ext0 (needs testing...)
dumpWeapon Exports a Weapon dumpweapon m14_scoped_silencer_woodland
dumpXAnimParts Exports an Animation for a Model Needs an Example
dumpXModel Exports a 3D Model (and all of its dependencies) Needs an Example

Additional Dvars

Name Description
export_path Path where exported assets will be saved.
iw3x_raise_ceiling Needs a Description
iw3x_add_care_packages Needs a Description
iw3x_correct_speculars Needs a Description
iw3x_smodels_fix_method Needs a Description
iw3x_replace_turrets_with_miniguns Needs a Description
iw3x_extend_culling Needs a Description
iw3x_convert_gsc Needs a Description

Supported Assets

  • Shader Routings
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • Pixel Shaders
  • Shader Passes (techniques)
  • Passes Sets (techsets)
  • Vertex Shaders
  • 3D Models (xmodel)
  • To Be Continued...