TODO App using Provider to manage state.
- WidgetsFlutterBinding
- Future
- dynamic
- enum
- UnmodifiableListView
- Random
- SharedPreferences
- JsonCodec
- ValueNotifier
- ValueListenableBuilder
- Selector
- BottomNavigationBar
- BottomNavigationBarItem
- ScaffoldMessenger
- SnackBarAction
- IgnorePointer
- AnimatedOpacity
- PopupMenuButton
- PopupMenuItem
- MainAxisAlignment
- Function
- ListView
- Dismissible
- ListTile
- Checkbox
- TextOverflow
- VoidCallback
- replaceRange
- MaterialPageRoute
- form with validation
- Form
- TextFormField
- InputDecoration
- TextEditingController
- Random
- collect all label texts to a localized class.
- show red background and 'Delete' text, while horizontal swiping or draging todo item.
- modify HomeScreen to StatelessWidget with a Provider to manage tab state.
- modify EditTodoScreen to StatelessWidget with a Provider to invalidate the form inputs.
- add tests.
The final result is on final_result branch.