
Backend Node usando Express para la práctica de backend avanzado de KC

Primary LanguageCSS


Set Your Environment

Copy .env.example into .env and set your own config

Install Dependencies

npm install

First time

npm run setup

Installs dependencies, runs build to generate Babel's compilation, runs initDB to setup DB and runs npm start to start development

Set Initial DB

npm run initDB

Drops Adverts DB and loads placeholder data from initialAdverts.json

Dev Start

npm start

API Routes



Returns all the adverts


Returns a filtered list. Admits filter by fields, sorting, skipping and limit reuslts. E.g:

/api/adverts/?select=name price -_id&name=Bicicleta&sort=-name price



Returns a JWT needed to access all other API routes


Create a new advert


Returns an URL with the 100x100 thumbnail of the given image



Updates the match ID element



Deletes the match ID element