- 0
Object #<Performance> has no method 'now'
#87 opened by mikepage - 0
- 4
Improvement request: add convinience method for eqjs.refreshNodes + eqjs.query
#72 opened by leifoolsen - 1
PLEASE update bower
#73 opened by FezVrasta - 7
Firing 'eqResize' event fails in IE11
#53 opened by filmic - 0
Calculating the width of objects
#65 opened by LostSenSS - 1
Update bower?
#69 opened by FezVrasta - 3
Are you able to publish v1.7.1 to npm?
#60 opened by lovell - 0
Define name to amd module
#62 opened by FezVrasta - 3
use `eqResize` without using `data-eq-pts`?
#64 opened by FezVrasta - 4
- 3
enquire.js-style match/unmatch events
#63 opened by jonscottclark - 2
- 2
Queries doesnt work when container width changed
#58 opened by lasekio - 1
Sass eq mixin
#57 opened by christianmagill - 1
Allow eqResize events to bubble
#52 opened by gufo - 7
- 2
EQ mixin outputting incorrect CSS
#48 opened by lmartins - 4
JS Error in IE
#49 opened by lmartins - 2
NPM Registry
#34 opened by VinSpee - 1
Data Attribute Selector
#44 opened by christianmagill - 2
- 2
Nested responsive element has incorrect size
#47 opened by lolmaus - 7
Error compiling with Libsass
#35 opened by lmartins - 19
- 1
Error reading values in _eq.scss
#41 opened by davidpaulsson - 2
Post refresh event or callback?
#40 opened by lmartins - 1
- 6
Not until browser resize
#36 opened by lmartins - 2
Dist/eq.min.js not updating version
#26 opened by micahgodbolt - 9
Calling eqjs.query throws error
#33 opened by thasmo - 2
Installation issues with Bower/compass.
#32 opened by phi0x - 3
getComputedStyle not working in IE8
#29 opened by thasmo - 5
Add Scott Jehl technique
#22 opened by Snugug - 2
eq.js breaks when there is an iframe on the page
#24 opened by a-fro - 4
No easy way to target root state with css
#23 opened by micahgodbolt - 0
Possible solution to the IE8 repaint issue
#21 opened by rjgotten - 3
multiple states in eq sass mixin failing
#20 opened by VinSpee - 3
#15 opened by paynecodes - 2
- 2
Concatenate data attributes
#6 opened by starryeyez024 - 2
- 3
- 3
Reconsider usage of Object.getPrototypeOf
#8 opened by jtwalters - 2
- 1
Refactor to remove need for Object.keys
#4 opened by Snugug - 5
Replace single attr of JSON with multiple attrs
#3 opened by rupl - 1
optimize render reflows
#1 opened by jantimon