
A list of all the hackathons I've been to and stuff I've worked on there.


A list of all the hackathons, computer science related conferences and events I've been to. Includes a list of stuff I've worked on there.


  • Hack Western 3
    • Developed an Android application to improve drivers' habits in safety and insurance costs (side project in progress)
  • BSides Ottawa Information Security Conference
    • Team placed 2nd in the BSides CTF (Capture the Flag)
  • Hack the North: http://devpost.com/software/xe-overlay
    • Placed 2nd in the Magnet Forensics Cracking the Code challenge
    • Built a chrome extension overlay that let's you highlight a monetary amount and converts to your local currency embedded in the page using the XE.com API
  • QHacks: http://devpost.com/software/maketrumptrumpagain
    • Generated fake statements made by real politicians using Markov chains (Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap)
  • ConUHacks: http://devpost.com/software/beerbuddy
    • Scraped beverage distributor websites for cheap drinks in selected geographic area for Android (Python, Java)
