•👋 Hello there, I'm SoDisliked, I'm an 18 years-old web and passionate web developer that is currently in College at emlyon Business School, Lyon, France.

•🖥️ Currently, I'm learning different programming languages (focusing on Javascript, Rust and advanced Python), learning better about the structures of .NET frameworks and also about the different add-ins for CSS (SASS, Tailwind).

•🖊️ Main languages that I know and I learn: C#, C++, Javascript, Java, Python, R, TypeScript. Learning languages: Rust, advanced Python, C.

•📚 Besides programming, I like economics (finance, stock exchange), studying history (especially history between 17th and 18th century, as well as the 20th century), drawing and practicing sports (football, gym).

•📚 I know 6 languages, more or less (English, French, Romanian -> C1 level / Italian -> B1 level / Korean -> A1 level).

• ✉ For further contact, you can contact me through: LinkedIn --> https://www.linkedin.com/in/frumuselu-luca-715177257/