A NodeJs wrapper for the Riot VALORANT API [Active Development]
As of 2020/08/13, the VAL-MATCH-V1 API is not yet released to the public. Since I don't have the key to test the API, the functionality of this API wrapper is not yet confirmed. You are welcome to open issues regarding problems/bugs/improvements of this wrapper.
However, I have tested the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API which works fine :D
npm i node-valorant-api
yarn add node-valorant-api
All API methods will return a promise containing the return data. For detailed information about the Promise API, please refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-TW/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise
Method | Description |
getAccountByPuuid(puuid) | Get account by puuid |
getAccountByRiotID(gameName, tagLine) | Get account by riot id |
getActiveShardByPuuid(puuid) | Get active shard for a player |
Method | Description |
getContent(locale?) | Get content optionally filtered by locale |
Method | Description |
getMatchById(matchid) | Get match by id |
getMatchesByPuuid(puuid) | Get matchlist for games played by puuid |
getRecentMatches(queue) | Get recent matches |
Method | Description |
getLeaderboardsByAct(actId, size?, startIndex?) | Get leaderboard for the competitive queue |
Region | Endpoint |
APAC | ap.api.riotgames.com |
BR | br.api.riotgames.com |
EU | eu.api.riotgames.com |
KR | kr.api.riotgames.com |
LATAM | latam.api.riotgames.com |
NA | na.api.riotgames.com |
PBE1 | pbe1.api.riotgames.com |
Region | Endpoint |
ASIA | asia.api.riotgames.com |
AMERICAS | americas.api.riotgames.com |
EUROPE | europe.api.riotgames.com |
const { API, Regions, Locales, Queue } = require("node-valorant-api");
const APIKey = "RGAPI-5aca53b4-d92b-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003"; // Your API Key
// The third parameter is the Region for the Account API
// choose the one that is the closest to you
const valorant = new API(Regions.NA, APIKey, Regions.AMERICAS); // An API instance for Valorant query
// Example usage of the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API
valorant.ContentV1.getContent(Locales["en-US"]).then(content => {
console.log(content.characters.map(char => { return char.name }));
// Example usage of the ACCOUNT-V1 and VAL-MATCH-V1 API !!! The MatchV1 API requires a Production API Key
valorant.AccountV1.getAccountByRiotID("SoLo", "HK1").then(account => {
valorant.MatchV1.getMatchesByPuuid(account.puuid).then(matches => {
* Example usage of the VAL-STATUS-V1 API
* https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.StatusV1.getPlatformData().then(data => {
* Example usage of the VAL-MATCH-V1 API
* Queue: "competitive", "unranked", "spikerush"
* https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.MatchV1.getRecentMatches(Queue.Competitive).then(data => {
import { API, Regions, Locales, Queue, RiotAPIError } from "node-valorant-api";
const APIKey = "RGAPI-5aca53b4-d92b-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003"; // Your API Key
// The third parameter is the Region for the Account API
// choose the one that is the closest to you
const valorant = new API(Regions.NA, APIKey, Regions.AMERICAS); // An API instance for Valorant query
// Example usage of the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API
valorant.ContentV1.getContent(Locales["en-US"]).then(content => {
console.log(content.characters.map(char => { return char.name }));
}).catch((error: RiotAPIError) => {
// Error handling
// Example usage of the ACCOUNT-V1 and VAL-MATCH-V1 API !!! The MatchV1 API requires a Production API Key
valorant.AccountV1.getAccountByRiotID("SoLo", "HK1").then(account => {
valorant.MatchV1.getMatchesByPuuid(account.puuid).then(matches => {
* Example usage of the VAL-STATUS-V1 API
* https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.StatusV1.getPlatformData().then(data => {
* Example usage of the VAL-MATCH-V1 API
* Queue: "competitive", "unranked", "spikerush"
* https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.MatchV1.getRecentMatches(Queue.Competitive).then(data => {
The wrapper will return a Promise rejection with RiotAPIError
which can be used to handle Rate Limiting (HTTP Status 429),etc. Every request should include a catch block for handling error.
has following properties:
interface RiotAPIError {
request: {
method: string; // Request Method
path: string; // Request path
header: string; // Request headers
url: string; // Full Request URL
status_code: number; // Status Code, see https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/portal#web-apis_response-codes
message: string; // Error message from Riot API