
A NodeJs wrapper for the Riot VALORANT API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A NodeJs wrapper for the Riot VALORANT API [Active Development]

NPM Version


As of 2020/08/13, the VAL-MATCH-V1 API is not yet released to the public. Since I don't have the key to test the API, the functionality of this API wrapper is not yet confirmed. You are welcome to open issues regarding problems/bugs/improvements of this wrapper.

However, I have tested the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API which works fine :D



npm i node-valorant-api


yarn add node-valorant-api

Supported APIs:

All API methods will return a promise containing the return data. For detailed information about the Promise API, please refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-TW/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise


Method Description
getAccountByPuuid(puuid) Get account by puuid
getAccountByRiotID(gameName, tagLine) Get account by riot id
getActiveShardByPuuid(puuid) Get active shard for a player


Method Description
getContent(locale?) Get content optionally filtered by locale


Method Description
getMatchById(matchid) Get match by id
getMatchesByPuuid(puuid) Get matchlist for games played by puuid
getRecentMatches(queue) Get recent matches


Method Description
getLeaderboardsByAct(actId, size?, startIndex?) Get leaderboard for the competitive queue

Supported regions:

Valorant API:

Region Endpoint
APAC ap.api.riotgames.com
BR br.api.riotgames.com
EU eu.api.riotgames.com
KR kr.api.riotgames.com
LATAM latam.api.riotgames.com
NA na.api.riotgames.com
PBE1 pbe1.api.riotgames.com

Account API:

Region Endpoint
ASIA asia.api.riotgames.com
AMERICAS americas.api.riotgames.com
EUROPE europe.api.riotgames.com


const { API, Regions, Locales, Queue } = require("node-valorant-api");

const APIKey = "RGAPI-5aca53b4-d92b-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003"; // Your API Key

// The third parameter is the Region for the Account API
// choose the one that is the closest to you
const valorant = new API(Regions.NA, APIKey, Regions.AMERICAS); // An API instance for Valorant query

// Example usage of the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API
valorant.ContentV1.getContent(Locales["en-US"]).then(content => {
    console.log(content.characters.map(char => { return char.name }));

// Example usage of the ACCOUNT-V1 and VAL-MATCH-V1 API !!! The MatchV1 API requires a Production API Key
valorant.AccountV1.getAccountByRiotID("SoLo", "HK1").then(account => {
    valorant.MatchV1.getMatchesByPuuid(account.puuid).then(matches => {

 * Example usage of the VAL-STATUS-V1 API
 * https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.StatusV1.getPlatformData().then(data => {

 * Example usage of the VAL-MATCH-V1 API
 * Queue: "competitive", "unranked", "spikerush"
 * https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.MatchV1.getRecentMatches(Queue.Competitive).then(data => {
import { API, Regions, Locales, Queue, RiotAPIError } from "node-valorant-api";

const APIKey = "RGAPI-5aca53b4-d92b-11ea-87d0-0242ac130003"; // Your API Key

// The third parameter is the Region for the Account API
// choose the one that is the closest to you
const valorant = new API(Regions.NA, APIKey, Regions.AMERICAS); // An API instance for Valorant query

// Example usage of the VAL-CONTENT-V1 API
valorant.ContentV1.getContent(Locales["en-US"]).then(content => {
    console.log(content.characters.map(char => { return char.name }));
}).catch((error: RiotAPIError) => {
    // Error handling

// Example usage of the ACCOUNT-V1 and VAL-MATCH-V1 API !!! The MatchV1 API requires a Production API Key
valorant.AccountV1.getAccountByRiotID("SoLo", "HK1").then(account => {
    valorant.MatchV1.getMatchesByPuuid(account.puuid).then(matches => {

 * Example usage of the VAL-STATUS-V1 API
 * https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.StatusV1.getPlatformData().then(data => {

 * Example usage of the VAL-MATCH-V1 API
 * Queue: "competitive", "unranked", "spikerush"
 * https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#val-status-v1/GET_getPlatformData
valorant.MatchV1.getRecentMatches(Queue.Competitive).then(data => {

Error Handling

The wrapper will return a Promise rejection with RiotAPIError which can be used to handle Rate Limiting (HTTP Status 429),etc. Every request should include a catch block for handling error.

RiotAPIError has following properties:

interface RiotAPIError {
    request: {
        method: string; // Request Method
        path: string; // Request path
        header: string; // Request headers
        url: string; // Full Request URL
    status_code: number; // Status Code, see https://developer.riotgames.com/docs/portal#web-apis_response-codes
    message: string; // Error message from Riot API