
:atom:X-UI PRO nginx reverse proxy with ws/grpc/httpupgrade/splithttp,xray protocol support: vless,vmess,trojan,shadowsocks xui panel cloudflare ssl,xtls-rprx,ssr,v2fly bypass restrictions: socks5,v2ray-core installer,sing-box,shadowtls,reality,tunnel,gfw tor warp wireguard geoip tuic clash vpn mihomo psiphon hy2 oneclick argo bbr anticensorship.

Primary LanguageShell

X-Ui-Pro (XRAY-UI + Nginx + WARP + TOR + Psiphon) :octocat: πŸ“‚

x-ui-pro is an open-source project that provides an auto-installation script for a lightweight and secure web proxy server. It combines the features of xray-ui, warp, tor and nginx to offer a comprehensive solution for bypassing internet restrictions.

  • Handle WebSocket/GRPC/HttpUgrade/SplitHttp via nginx.
  • Supports multiple users and configurations via port 443
  • Install multiple domains with one a server/panel
  • More security and low detection with nginx
  • Auto SSL Renew, Reload Daily Services
  • Compatible with Cloudflare CDN/IP
  • Random 150+ fake HTML template!
  • Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS/Fedora Linux!
  • Warp+/Psiphon πŸ”œ

Install X-UI-PROπŸ“€πŸ“¦

sudo su -c "$(command -v apt||echo dnf) -y install wget;bash <(wget -qO- raw.githubusercontent.com/GFW4Fun/x-ui-pro/master/x-ui-pro.sh) -install yes -panel 1 -cdn off"
Cloudflare users

Cloudflare users > -cdn on > DomainON

SSL Support (yourdomain.com, *.yourdomain.com)

For add new subdomain, just add a new record A,AAAA[IP] in domain dns management! no need to reinstall the panel!

Installation arguments


-panel 0 (alireza) 1 (MHSanaei)

Random FakeSite🌏

sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GFW4Fun/x-ui-pro/master/randomfakehtml.sh)"

Uninstall X-UI-PRO❌

sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GFW4Fun/x-ui-pro/master/x-ui-pro.sh) -uninstall yes"


Server Configuration πŸ”§πŸ§βš™οΈ


Client Configuration πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ“±βœοΈ


Enable WARP TOR πŸ§… (Fix Google&ChatGPT Forbidden/Hide VPS IP)

WARP☁️> XUI > Xray Configs > Outbounds > WARP > Create > Add > Save Restart!

TOR πŸ§…> XUI > Xray Configs > Outbounds > Add Outbound > Protocol:Socks > Tag:tor > Address:Port > Add > Save Restart!

Connect Config(Inbound) to WARP/WARP+/TOR/Psiphon(Outbound): πŸ”—


Checking Config/Port inside VPS (Internal)πŸ”„

Example: Check TOR/Psiphon/WARP on your server!

# Your current IP from TOR
curl --socks5-hostname checkip.amazonaws.com

# Your current IP from Psiphon
curl --socks5-hostname checkip.amazonaws.com

# Your current IP from WARP
curl --socks5-hostname checkip.amazonaws.com

If return VPS/WARP/TOR IP Means the port is active and healthyπŸ“Άβœ…


Enable Subscription πŸ”—

XUI Panel > Panel Setting > Subscription > Enable Service (Don't change /sub/ /json/)

XUI Panel > Inbounds > General Actions > Export All URLs - Subscriptions

In the displayed address, change : to / ✏️


Enable UFW 🚫 Firewall (Prevent direct access to x-ui-xray ports)

apt update && apt install ufw
ufw reset && ufw allow ssh && ufw allow ftp && ufw allow http && ufw allow https
ufw enable && ufw reload && ufw status


Cloudflare Find Good IP (VPN off❗ during scanning)

Cloudflare IP Ranges: https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/

Cloudflare IP Scanner: vfarid | goldsrc | ircfspace | drunkleen | cloudflare-v2ray-scanner

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