- 6
Method and parameters
#16 opened by williamweckl - 1
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/users/auth/facebook_access_token/callback"):
#17 opened by peterept - 8
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError with SSLv3
#10 opened by sush - 3
I'm still not sure how to use this gem...
#9 opened by pdobb - 2
how to set up the route?
#6 opened by beno - 1
License missing from gemspec
#4 opened by bf4 - 2
Support for expires_at, expires_in params
#3 opened by gmcnaughton - 1
Error if client configures omniauth-facebook-access-token with a numeric app_id
#2 opened by gmcnaughton