Flight Game

Importing the game to pycharm

  1. Open PyCharm and Click the Button "Get from VCS"
  1. Paste the link of this repository on the URL box https://github.com/SoaresPT/Flight_game_simulator then click Clone at the bottom
  1. Open main.py and you'll see 2 warning messages. One about the python interpreter and another about Packages not being installed.
4. Click on Configure Python interpreter and select your python version. In this example we're using Python 3.9 but there shouldn't be any restrictions as for what python version should be used.
  1. To fix the Package requirement not satisfied press the button Install Requirement

Executing the game on a terminal shell

It is highly recommended to run the game on a terminal window due to coding practices we've used to clear the terminal in order to simulate animations.

  1. Right click the Project Name Flight_game_simulator and Click Copy Path/Reference... followed by Absolute Path
2. Open a terminal window and navigate to that folder.

On windows you can open the start menu and type cmd and select the Command Prompt. Type cd (give a space after the d) and right click on the window to paste the Path you previously copied from Pycharm

Press the Enter key and you'll be inside the project's directory. Launch the game by typing .\main.py (This may not work if you set PyCharm as the default intreperter) so another way is to run: python main.py


  • python 3.10
  • pip 22.2.2

Before installing python packages from requirements file make sure postgresql is installed

For Mac users:

brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
pip install -r requirements.txt