GPX Converter for Pokemon GO

This web application allows you to convert a list of coordinates into a GPX file format.


  1. Open the GPX Converter in your web browser.
  2. Enter the coordinates in the provided textarea. Each coordinate should be separated by a new line and in the format: latitude,longitude (37.795595333601256,-122.39341757928418).
  3. Select the desired file format: GPX (for Android) or TXT (for iOS).
  4. Click the "Download" button.
  5. The converted GPX file will be downloaded to your device.

Field Quests

Since Velocity can't handle links from a browser on Android 12 or higher, this tool can be used to copy-paste field quests from Pokedex100.

  1. Copy-paste the entire field quest text into the Coordinates box.
  2. Click the "Show Velocity" button.
  3. Copy the generated output.
  4. Paste the output into a private Discord channel.


Q: Will this work with FGL Pro?
A: No. FGL Pro doesn't have that function. Use GPS JoyStick for that.

Q: Can this be used on iOS/Android?
A: Yes. Select the appropriate option above and click Download.

Q: Where can I find GPX Routes?
A: You can find already made routes here, here, or here.

Q: How do I import routes?
A: Open GPS JoyStick, click the 3-line menu (☰) on the top-left corner, and click GPX Import/Export. Proceed to import any .gpx file that you may have. Afterward, click the Waypoints tab, then the green button on the bottom right corner, and choose "Create route from all."

Q: How can I contact you?
A: You can make an issue/PR if you notice a bug/want to add a newer feature. My Discord username is: SoaresPT. Alternatively, click here to talk to me. Even if it's just to say Hi! :)