
XCTool: To build performance testing pipeline

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

XCTool: To build performance testing pipeline

XCTool is a command line tool for executing tests, automatically re-running failures and parsing .xcresult bundle(s). It is currently intended to be integrated with your performance testing CI pipeline.


To invoke XCTool use the following command:
$ ./XCTool -workspace <workspace-path> -project <project-path> -scheme <scheme-name> -destination <destination(platform,name,OS(for simulator)>

Refer project .xcscheme file for an example usage of the command line arguments.

How It Works

It starts by executing tests using xcodebuild test command. Test-failures(i.e. flaky environment) are handled by re-running the failing tests. XCTool extracts performance test-summaries from .xcresult bundle(s) produced in a test-run. On completion, test summaries are dump(ed) on the console and .xcresult bundle(s) are inside project-relative ResultBundles directory.

Types Involved

  1. XCTool struct takes path to xcresultBundle as input and executes xcresulttool to parse performance test-summaries.
  2. ArgParser struct parses command-line arguments passed during launch. It has a static var to provide launchArgs.
  3. ResultBundle class takes path to xcodeproj as input. It provides project-relative bundle-path for a given test-run.
  4. Constants enum contains constants for executable paths, command-line arguments for xcresulttool, xcodebuild and maxRetries on failure. Paths may vary dependending on Xcode's install location.
  5. ActionsInvocationRecord struct contains actions, metadataRef and metrics parsed from the result-bundle. We extract testsRefIds from this nested data-model.
  6. ActionTestPlanRunSummaries struct contains summaries parsed from the result-bundle. We extract summaryRefIds correspoding to each test from this nested data-model.
  7. ActionTestSummary struct contains performanceMetrics, duration, identifier, name and testStatus parsed from the result-bundle. TestSummary representing a performance test summary, is created from ActionTestSummary by associating an additional targetName for each test.
  8. REPLExecutor struct takes REPLCommand as input and executes that command. It's sync-version decodes the result in a given data-model and the async-version streams standardOutput buffer line-by-line.
  9. REPLCommand struct takes launchPath and arguments as input. It has sync/async run methods which launch a Process with given inputs and attach a Pipe for reading standardOutput.
  10. REPLBuffer struct temporarily holds Data buffer as it gets streamed from standardOutput. It has mutating methods to append data in buffer and get outstandingText from buffer.
  11. TestFailure struct takes testSummaries and project-configuration to retry/re-run failed-tests, due to flaky environment i.e. mostly XCUITests-Runner issues.

Commands Used

  1. Execute tests xcodebuild test -workspace <workspace-path> -scheme <scheme-name> -destination <destination(platform, name, OS)> -resultBundlePath <bundle-path>
  2. Run specific tests without building xcodebuild test-without-building -workspace <workspace-path> -scheme <scheme-name> -destination <destination(platform, name, OS)> -resultBundlePath <bundle-path> -only-testing:<test-identifier>
  3. JSON representation of the root object of the result bundle xcrun xcresulttool get --format json --path <xcresult-bundle-path>
  4. Nested object in result bundle can be identified by its reference xcrun xcresulttool get --format json --path <xcresult-bundle-path> --id REF
  5. xcresulttool provides description of its format using xcrun xcresulttool formatDescription

Tools & OS Version

  1. $ xcrun xcresulttool version
    xcresulttool version 17017, format version 3.26 (current)
  2. $ xcodebuild -version
    Xcode 12.0
    Build version 12A8189n
  3. macOS 10.15 and later.

Future Improvements

  1. Automatically run tests on a connected device:
  2. Use -xctestrun option in xcodebuild test-without-building for distributed build and test machines:
  3. Send performance output to customisable server endpoints.
  4. Failure reporting by sending filtered logs and crash-reports to customisable server endpoints.
  5. Pretty logging without using xcpretty.

PRs, issues, ideas and suggestions are very welcome!


XCTool welcomes contributions in the form of GitHub issues and pull-requests:

  1. For PRs, please add the purpose and summary of your changes in the PR description.
  2. For issues, please add the steps to reproduce and tools/OS version.
  3. Make sure you test your contributions.

By submitting a pull request, you represent that you have the right to license your contribution to Soaurabh Kakkar and the community, and agree by submitting the patch that your contributions are licensed under the XCTool project license.


XCTool is licensed under the MIT License



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