It all started as an experiment. Due to my absolute lack of design skills I wanted to check whether homepage's design would suit needs of our bugtracker.
The Thing you are watching is mostly result of shameless copy&paste with a few CSS overrides. I'd like, however, to call it interface unification. That sounds better.
Any contributions or opinions are most certainly welcome. Just please remember, it's my highly subjective idea, not an official proposal.
Of course, I would like to implement it in the future if the feedback will be positive.
Online demo lives here. Please mind I update it manually so from time to time it might get out of sync with this repository.
Those can be a bit outdated but give general look&feel of this redesign.
While this project focuses mainly on design changes, it aims for a few subtle changes in how the bugtracker works as well. This section notes them for the purpose of eventual mailing list discussion.
My idea is to change them to be simple yes/no vote. It drastically improves UX. We need to decide upon migration path for current votes, though. There are two types of them, as far as I can see and importance has its weight what wouldn't be a case with proposed simpler approach.
Since we have filters available for the bug comments' section finding them shouldn't be an issue. My proposal is to change categories from "Git/SVN Commits" to "Commits/Patches" and "Related reports" to "Related", including related pull requests.
When it comes to the migration: it seems that database table for patches contains all required data
so it should be achieveable with simple UNION
with comments table. Pull requests are lacking time
they were added in, so my proposal is to add the field, set its value to current date for existing
attatchments and of course set it on new records creation. It shouldn't cause many troubles, IMO.
Firstly, I suggest to drop lstats.php if it's really as unused and forgotten as it seems to be.
Secondly, I'd also like to remove PHP Versions for recent bug reports section from the stats.php page. In its current shape it's way less useful than using "Version" field in advanced search which returns more accurate results and has more flexibility. If it's, however, used by anyone, I have no problem with letting it live.
Currently remembers last selected type of bug comments to filter, using cookies. This feature is missing in this project but if anyone thinks it's useful it can be reimplemented.
Currently values of Description, Test script, Expected result and Actual result form fields are all concatenated into single database field. I'd like to strip the first part:
but I propose to do this on read so no data migration will be required and the change would be fully reversible.
I won't insist on that too much as it adds a few clicks for the workflow from time to time. Just a suggestion for a simpler interface and related code.
It's rather self-explanatory and non-controversial, I think.