

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PhD - PHP DocBook
Copyright(c) 2007-2018 The PHP Documentation Team

Installing the PhD renderer:
    From a PEAR channel:
        pear install doc.php.net/phd

        To install the PHP Package:
            pear install doc.php.net/phd_php

        To install the PEAR Package:
            pear install doc.php.net/phd_pear

        To see all available packages:
            pear remote-list -c doc.php.net

    From GIT:
        Note: Do not install anything from PEAR above.

        git clone https://github.com/php/phd.git
        cd phd
        pear install package.xml package_generic.xml

        To install the standalone Packages:
            for i in package_*.xml; do pear install $i; done

Running from the source, assuming that the PHP documentation tree is at
dev/php/phpdoc/doc-base and dev/php/phpdoc/en:

    cd dev/php
    git clone https://github.com/php/phd.git
    cd phpdoc
    php doc-base/configure.php --disable-segfault-error
    php ../phd/render.php --docbook doc-base/.manual.xml --output=/tmp/docs --package PHP --format xhtml

    - PHP 7.1
    - DOM, libXML2, XMLReader and SQLite3.

After installing PhD you can use the `phd` command
to render the documentations. To see a list of available packages/formats
use the `phd -l` command. By default `phd` use ./output for the rendered files.

The `phd` command optionally takes more arguments.
For information about those arguments please type `phd -h`

- The PHP Documentation team