
GitHub API and Webhook Integration using Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Github API and Webhook Integration using Spring Boot

This is a Spring Boot application that integrates with the Github API and implements webhooks to track changes in a Github account.

  • Requirements:
    • Java 8 or above
    • Spring Boot
    • Gradle building script
    • Github API

Getting Started

To run the application, you will need to have Java 8 or above installed on your machine.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/SobamboS/tsx-java-11May2023.git

The application should now be running on port 8080.


To set up webhooks, you will need to use NGROK to create a tunnel to your local machine. Follow the instructions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCxt9SAnkyc

Once you have NGROK running, you can create a webhook in your Github account that points to the NGROK URL. The webhook should be set up to track push, pull, and merge events.


The application uses logback for logging. The log level is set to INFO by default, but you can change this in the log4j2.xml file and the logs are saved in a application.log file


You should now have a fully functional Spring Boot application that integrates with the Github API.