
WordPress plugin for developers. All you to run your local environment without the uploads folder and still see images!

Primary LanguagePHP

Coral Remote Images

Do you develop WordPress websites locally? Have you found it time consuming and difficult to develop locally on large WordPress websites that has thousands of images? Does your development site get out of date within months due to active content management on the live site?

Activate this plugin on your local or development environment, and any linked images in the database (referencing your media Uploads folder such as wp-content/uploads) will reference from the live site URL.

Keeping the database in sync is still vital, but you will no longer need to worry about the uploads folder for your Media Attachments!


  1. Upload the plugin files to /wp-content/plugins/coral-remote-images.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress (or via WP CLI)
  3. Done (with some potential caveats below)!


Default Behavior

When pulling down the latest database from production, it's common to leave the database configurations alone and add WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants in your wp-config.php file for overriding the settings with your local URL.

If this is what you do, you're already configured! Coral Remote Images will see that your defined WP_SITEURL does not match the siteurl in the wp_options table, and flags the option in the database as the 'production' url to switch to.


If you've modified the database, or want to test with another synced environment, you can add a constant to your wp-config.php file:

define('CORAL_REMOTEIMAGES_PROD_URL', 'http://yourlivesiteURL.com/path/to/wp');

The URL should match your siteurl on production (the location of your WP core files).

Settings Page

If you don't want to or can't modify your wp-config.php, there is a admin panel for managing your settings available at

WP Admin > Remote Images


Originally built and released by Chris Lagasse while at Big Sea, on the WordPress SVN plugin repository. The WordPress plugin directory is no longer up to date, and currently (2019-10-01) I have no plans to update it.


  • Move the admin panel settings location page to Media.
  • Update for WP 5.x
  • Confirm all apply_filters and add more as needed.
  • Define/clarify system requirements
  • switch to composer/psr-2?