Hi! I am Sobhan eskandari a freelance iOS Developer and this My First Open Source App.
My wall is a wallpaper which uses Pixabay api to download wallpapers. I developed this app to practise MVVM and CoreData . You can see and download and bookmark your favorite wallpapers.
opbox** or GitHub by opening the Synchronize sub-menu and clicking Open from. Once opened in the workspace, any modification in the file will be automatically synced.
Check our speech to text note app called "Penman" too :)
Penman : https://www.uplabs.com/posts/penman-upcoming-speech-note-app-ui
Download : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/penman-speak-your-notes/id1434184098?ls=1&mt=8
Get in touch with me on twitter: https://twitter.com/sobhanes Contact with me : eskandari.sobhan@gmail.com