
Python3.3 HTTP Server and framework

Primary LanguagePython


Python3 Asynchronous Web Server and a lightweight framework.


NO DEPENDENCIES except for Python 3.x (tested with Python3.3).


VestesPy is very easy to use. All you need to do is create an instance of vesespy.Server class:

import vestespy

def onend(ev, req, res):

def onrequest(ev, req, res):
  req.on("end", onend)

server = vestespy.Server(("localhost", 8080))
server.on("request", onrequest)



class vestespy.Server

  • init(self, addr, debug=False, select="select", handler=Request, max_workers=50) Initializes an instance of the server. The server initializes a thread pool to handle incoming requests (with max_workers as number of threads). Currently supported select mechanisms are select and epoll. handler has to be a subclass of Request.
  • serve_forever(self) Fires the server.
  • shutdown(self) Kills the server.

The server is also an event emitter. It responds to the following events:

  • request handler is a function of the form def onrequest(server, req, res). This event fires once the request is accepted and headers are parsed.

class vestespy.Request Passed to server's request handler. It's an object associated to the request. It is an event emitter with the following events:

  • data Fires when data arrives; Note that a developer has to take care of combining/parsing chunked body; At the moment the request has to have Content-Length header, otherwise VestesPy will treat it as a request without body; The handler for this event is of type def ondata(ev, req, res, chunk).

  • end Fires at the end of the request; The handler for this event is of type def onend(ev, req, res);

class vestespy.Response A response object with the following methods:

  • send_all(data) Sends data as a one big response. data has to be either str or bytes. It sets Content-Length header as well.

  • send_stream(stream, length) Sends stream of str or bytes as a response. The total amount of data must be equal to length (thus it has to be preevaluated earlier).

  • send_chunked(stream) As above, except it does not require length. It sends the data as a chunked data (thus it sets Transfer-Enocoding: chunked header).

class vestespy.tools.Dispatcher

Creates a route dispatcher. The usage is very simple:

import vestespy

server = vestespy.Server(("localhost", 8080), debug=True)

dispatcher = vestespy.tools.Dispatcher()

def home(ev, req, res):
dispatcher.register("/", home)

def test(ev, req, res, id=None):
  res.send_all("ID: %s" % id)
dispatcher.register("/test/:id", test)

server.on("request", dispatcher.as_handler())


You may pass a regular expression to register as well.


rafael.szefler@gmail.com wrote this code. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.

Rafael Szefler