
MathSpiral is a program with a single mathematical function that makes all these beautiful patterns come alive. The program takes input from the user and gives out beautiful Spirals.

Primary LanguageProcessing

math spiral


Main contributors: Tanmay Bishnoi, Shivam Singhal

These are some Screenshots of a project I call mathSpiral.


The Program(Sketch) uses the Processing IDE which can be downloaded here

Quick Overview (How does it work?)

The sketch displays all these different star-like points, each point has a unique index.
The position of each point is registered on two Arrays(Lists),
one is an Array for the x-position and another is the Array for the y-position.
A for loop displays all the points on the Canvas(Window for the Sketch).

The true beauty lies in the assigning of each point's position, simple yet decent.

A for loop constantly increases the variable Radius and the variable Angle.
The user input is also taken and added to the increase rate.

Say for example.
Angle+=(mouseTerm+incRate): Where MouseTerm is the mouse Cordinate and incRate is a constant term.
Radius+=(mouseTerm+incRate): Where MouseTerm is the mouse Cordinate and incRate is a constant term.

Next part may require some Trig prelim

The Radius is multiplied with the cosine of Angle to obtain the x-cord which is then fed to the x-Array.
Then the Radius is multiplied with the sin of Angle to obtain the y-cord which is then fed to the y-Array.

For example:
Arx[Index] = Radius . cos(Angle); : Where Arx is the x-Array
Ary[Index] = Radius . sin(Angle); : Where Ary is the y-Array
Then as told before all the points with their respective indices are displayed on the canvas.

Some more ScreenShots