Explainable Graph-Based Rumour Detection

This repo is for the Explainable Graph-Based Rumour Detection project. The aim of this project is to document the process and progress of the various stages of the project.


The primary aim of this project is to explain selected state-of-the-art graph-based rumour detection models, in particular, we aim to show how model attribution changes with the restriction of event responses in early rumour detection. To understand how model attribution differs according to architectural differences, we have selected the following models to explain:

  1. Bi-directional Graph Convolution Network (Bi-GCN)
  2. Edge-enhanced Bayesian Graph Convolution Network (EBGCN)
  3. Claim-guided Hierarchical Graph ATtention Network (ClaHi-GAT)

Related Work

Graph Structural Features

CV explainability techniques can be adapted for the graph component. Images can be intepreted as lattice-shaped graphs with pixels analogous to nodes, therefore graphs can be seen as a generalisation of images. There are 3 very broad categories of explainability techniques in CV which are:

  1. Gradient
  2. Relevance
  3. Local functions

Textural Features

Textual features in current NLP explainability work mainly revolves around counterfactual generation (Word Replacement) as well as a lesser used technique being individual word contribution in accumulated features (Attention).

Propsed Work Plan

The proposed work plan with each step and sub-steps are listed below:

  1. Standardisation of data preprocessing
  2. Reimplement and retrain the selected models on Twitter 15/16 and PHEME
    a. Bi-GCN
    b. EBGCN
    c. ClaHi-GAT
  3. Adapt explainability techniques to be applied to the models
  4. Analyse generated explanations for:
    a. Full event rumour detection
    b. Early rumour detection
     i. Time limited (15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, etc.)
     ii. Response limited (25 responses, 50 responses, 100 responses, etc.)


Dataset and preprocessing

Dataset Tweets Links Unique Tweet IDs Source Tweets/Tree Unique %
Twitter 15 598,258 604,825 53,641 1,490 8.97%
Twitter 16 347,360 351,623 26,402 818 7.6%
Twitter 15 ∪ Twitter 16 895,427 900,776 74,254 2,139 8.29%
Twitter 15 ∩ Twitter 16 54,454 55,672 5,789 169 10.63%
PHEME-9 119419 - - - -

Twitter 15 and 16 - RvNN GitHub Repo vs RumDect2017 Dropbox

Comparing top-down and bottom-up files from GitHub against RumDect2017
Dataset Tweet IDs % of RumDect2017 Tweet IDs Tweet IDs not in RumDect2017
RumDect2017 53,641 - -
TD File 1,797 3.35% 508
BU File 3,098 5.78% 957
Comparing nfold files from GitHub against RumDect2017
Dataset Source Tweet IDs Unseen IDs % of All Tweet IDs
RumDect2017 2,139 100% -
Train 15 nfold 1490
Test 15 nfold 1480
Train 16 nfold 818
Test 16 nfold 819