The Media Impact Monitor will be a novel tool for protest groups and NGOs to measure and visualize their impact on public discourse.
Jupyter NotebookNOASSERTION
- aeschiBerlin
- annameideTechnologiestiftung Berlin
- ChaosteContenful GmbH
- DaMo86neXenio GmbH
- davidpomerenke@SocialChangeLab
- ejsandovalDesign Systems International
- fdoflorenzano@designsystemsinternational
- ff6347@hbk-bs
- floridene
- gatochicoSantiago, Chile
- hrantzschCheckmk GmbH
- jfilter@algorithmwatch
- julizetBerlin
- just1984Freelance
- Juviro
- kleinlennartUnited Nations, Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d)
- kolibril13Göttingen, Germany
- leonlowitzki@cwire-io
- leoseligBerlin
- LinqLoverHasso Plattner Institute | @hpi-swa | @Museum-Barberini-gGmbH
- linusha@LivelyKernel
- Lisa-Stubert
- LogetcreaBerlin
- MayankMadan97Dispension Industries
- midukuIMG.LY
- nilsmelchertSightwise GmbH
- openmindcultureBerlin, Germany
- ordinalySwitzerland
- raphael-arce
- riotbibJournalist
- this-is-sofiaBerlin
- UwinatorGermany
- VictorAdt
- vogelino@technologiestiftung