
Why to use Git and Git essentials workshop: An argument for adopting Git + GitHub/GitLab for academic research followed by a getting started workshop (Frie Peu)

Why to use Git and Git essentials workshop: An argument for adopting Git + GitHub/GitLab for academic research followed by a getting started workshop

📍 Online-only event

📆 April 14, 2021, 13:45-15:15


The workshop will have two parts: In a ca. 20-30 minute input talk, I will motivate the usage of Git and GitHub/GitLab in the context of social science research by presenting relevant features and introducing potentially relevant workflows from software development. In the second, more interactive part (ca. 1 hour), we’ll go through the typical pull-commit-push-pull request cycle which will enable participants to work with Git and GitHub, mainly using the RStudio Git interface. Prerequisites for practical workshop (installation and setup instructions will be provided 1-2 weeks before the workshop): Git installed, GitHub account, a private repository called git-tryout (initialized with a README), RStudio installed.


Frie Preu is a data scientist, a low-budget data engineer and COO of CorrelAid, a data4good network of over 1500 data scientists. Before, she studied political science and data science at the University of Konstanz and worked in IT consulting.
