
Puente para conectar gdocs con la API de mx-elections-2021

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Bridge to connect Google Spreadsheets with the mx-elections-2021 API.

Runing scripts


Read data, process it and populate an empty database

  • python pipeline.py <local|fb>


Compare data from GSheet and previously saved (dataset/person_old.csv) and update changes, additions and deletions on the API.

  • python updater.py


  • Install dependencies with:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python >= 3.6


This pipeline have strong dependency with Google Spreadsheets where information, previously retrieve from multiple source by a team, is placed. There are two sheets:

Capture Sheet

Information about candidates. We consider the next fields:

person_id role_type first_name last_name
full_name nickname abbreviation coalition
state area membership_type start_date
end_date is_substitute is_titular date_birth
gender dead_or_alive last_degree_of_studies profession_[1-6]
Website URL_FB_page URL_FB_profile URL_IG
URL_TW URL_others URL_photo source_of_truth

Struct Sheet

Static tables and catalogs

  • Area
  • Chamber
  • Role
  • Coalition
  • Party
  • Contest
  • Profession
  • Url types

With this information we can populate an empty database using pipeline.py module or update existing data using updater.py module. Also, the module check_predictions.py compare Facebook Url predictions with capture sheet and save the differences into predictions/.


0. sheets.py and auth.py

First we need a method to connect python with the spreadsheets. With this modules we manage spreadsheets manipulation and authentication respectively

NOTE: You need a Developer Google account to get an api token (like credential.json file) for auth.py script.

Relevant links

1. static_tables.py

This module read and store in memory static tables. This tables will be send to the API and also be required to build dynamic tables.

2. pipeline.py

This module reads the capture and static sheets and make three operations:

  1. Runs a few validations (validations.py). The founded errors are saved into errors/. The tested fields are the follow:
    • last_name
    • membership_type
    • dates
    • urls
    • professions
  2. Build dynamic tables
    • Using static tables and catalogs
  3. Upload static and dynamic data to the API
    • Additionally, the module saves a csv copy of database into csv_db/.

NOTE: This module require an empty database from the API since it reads all information from capture sheet and sned it.

3. updater.py (WIP)

This module compare current capture data (dataset/person_current.csv) with previous data (dataset/person_old.csv). The difference are sent to the API and logged into logs/ in three different types:

  1. Changes
  2. Additions
  3. Deletions

NOTE: Due to the time constraints of the project this module has a status of Work in Progress (WIP).

TODO Feature

  • Replace automatically person_old.csv with person_current.csv information once the data update is complete.
  • Test the script

Data examples

An example of how capture sheets looks like can be found at data_samples/