
HumbleBundle Metalink generator

Primary LanguagePython

HumbleBundle Metalink generator

Generates a .metalink file for your HumbleBundle downloads.

The generated .metalink file includes HTTPS, torrent and magnet links, as well as other information provided by the HumbleBundle API (file size, MD5/SHA1 hashes).

usage: metahumble.py [-h] [--cache] [--platform PLATFORM] [--torrents]
                     [--dir DIR] [--save-links FILE] [--save-bt-links FILE]
                     email password

positional arguments:
  email                 humblebundle.com login (email address)
  password              humblebundle.com password

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cache               cache web requests
  --platform PLATFORM   filter downloads to a certain platform (e.g.: android)
  --torrents            download .torrent files to download directory
  --dir DIR             target download directory
  --save-links FILE     save http/https links to given text file
  --save-bt-links FILE  save bittorrent links to given text file


Requires Python 2 and the libraries requests, progressbar, humblebundle and optionally requests_cache for the --cache option.

pip2 install -r requirements.txt