Camper Rental Application

This application is designed for a company offering camper rental services in Ukraine. It consists of three main pages:

  1. Home Page: Provides a general overview of the services offered by the company. Styling and layout are at your discretion.
  2. Catalog Page: Displays a catalog of campers with different configurations that users can filter by location, equipment, and type.
  3. Favorites Page: Shows advertisements added by the user to their favorites.
  4. Advert details: Modal that shows advertisements details be ID

Technical Specifications

Based on the provided layout, implement the following features:

  • Advertisement Card: Implement a card layout for displaying camper rental advertisements.
  • Pagination: Display 4 advertisements on the first page of the catalog, and load more on click of the "Load more" button.
  • Favorites: Allow users to add advertisements to their favorites list by clicking on a heart-shaped button. The button's color should change accordingly.
  • Persistence: Ensure that the user's actions (e.g., adding/removing advertisements from favorites) persist even after page refresh.
  • Modal Window: Display a modal window with detailed information about a camper advertisement when the "Show more" button is clicked. The modal should close when the close button ("x"), backdrop, or the "Esc" key is pressed.
  • Form: Include a form in the modal window for booking a camper. The form should have fields for name, email, booking date, and comment. Name, email, and booking date fields are mandatory and should be validated before submission.
  • Price Format: Display the rental price as a single value (e.g., 8000) and format it with commas (e.g., 8,000) in the UI.


Set up a personal backend using the UI service MockAPI. Create a resource named adverts with the following fields:

  • _id
  • name
  • price
  • rating
  • location
  • adults
  • children
  • engine
  • transmission
  • form
  • length
  • width
  • height
  • tank
  • consumption
  • description
  • details

Ensure that the backend contains at least 13 advertisements with different values. My MockAPI

Routing with React Router

Implement routing using React Router with the following routes:

  • /: Home page with a general description of the company's services.
  • /catalog: Catalog page displaying campers of various configurations.
  • /favorites: Favorites page showing advertisements added by the user.

Redirect users to the home page if they navigate to a non-existent route.

Additional Task: Filtering

Add filtering functionality with the following options:

  • Text Input: Filter advertisements based on the location entered by the user.
  • Checkboxes: Filter advertisements based on selected equipment.
  • Radio Buttons: Filter advertisements based on selected camper types.


This application aims to provide users with a seamless experience in browsing and booking campers for rent. Implementing the specified features and ensuring a user-friendly interface will enhance the overall user satisfaction and engagement. FIGMA