
The SparseCollections library provides the SparseArray<T> and SparseMatrix<T> collection classes.

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Sparse Collections

NuGet version (SoftCircuits.SparseCollections)

Install-Package SoftCircuits.SparseCollections


The SparseCollections library includes two lightweight collection classes, SparseArray<T> and SparseMatrix<T>. The array class allows statements such as array[1000000] = 5 and array[-1000000] = 6 without having to allocate a large array. The matrix class works similarly except as a two-dimensional array.


This example adds two items to a SparseArray<T> and confirms their value.

SparseArray<int> array = new SparseArray<int>();

// Assign some values
array[10000] = 4;
array[-100000] = 5;

// Confirm values
Debug.Assert(array[10000] == 4);
Debug.Assert(array[-100000] == 5);

This example does the same thing with a SparseMatrix<T>.

SparseMatrix<int> matrix = new SparseMatrix<int>();

// Assign some values
matrix[10000, -10000] = 4;
matrix[-100000, 20000] = 5;

// Confirm values
Debug.Assert(matrix[10000, -10000] == 4);
Debug.Assert(matrix[-100000, 20000] == 5);