
Fuzzle: Making a Puzzle for Fuzzers (ASE'22)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fuzzle is a bug synthesizer that generates buggy benchmarks for evaluating fuzzers. Fuzzle uses randomly created mazes and path constraints from previous CVEs to generate subject programs. The details of Fuzzle can be found in our paper "Fuzzle: Making a Puzzle for Fuzzers" (ASE 2022).


To build Fuzzle and setup the docker and python environment, run the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/SoftSec-KAIST/Fuzzle
$ cd Fuzzle

# Build docker images (this step may take a few hours to complete)
$ ./scripts/build_all_dockers.sh

# Install the dependencies
$ python3 -m pip install -r ./maze-gen/requirements.txt

Note that you need python 3.7+ and Z3 solver to generate benchmark programs using Fuzzle.

For more detailed installation instructions, please see INSTALL.md.

Extension for Multiple Bugs

Fuzzle was modified to generate programs that contain multiple bugs for evaluating multi-target directed fuzzers. To use this version of Fuzzle, please go to multi-target branch of this repository.

The details of the modifications can be found in the paper "On the Effectiveness of Synthetic Benchmarks for Evaluating Directed Grey-box Fuzzers" (APSEC 2023).


For a quick tutorial on how to use Fuzzle, please skip to the tutorial.

Generating a benchmark

You can generate a buggy benchmark using generate.sh in the scripts directory. You need to specify values for the following parameters using the command line arguments:

  • Maze generation algorithm (-a): Backtracking, Kruskal, Prims, Wilsons, Sidewinder
  • Width of the maze (-w): any integer greater than 2
  • Height of the maze (-h): any integer greater than 2
  • Output directory (-o): path to the output directory

You can optionally specify the following parameters:

  • Pseudorandom seed (-r): any integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1
  • Percentage of cycles (-c): any integer between 0 and 100
  • Maze exit (-e): default or random
  • Generator (-g): default_gen or CVE_gen

Note, if you use CVE_gen for the generator, you must also provide a path to SMT file with -s option.

For example, the following command generates a default program based on a 10x10 maze created with Wilson's algorithm.

$ ./scripts/generate.sh -a Wilsons -w 10 -h 10 -o <OUT_PATH>

A different program can be generated using the same maze but with realistic constraints obtained from the previous CVE (e.g., CVE-2016-4487).

$ ./scripts/generate.sh -a Wilsons -w 10 -h 10 -g CVE_gen -s ./CVEs/CVE-2016-4487.smt2 -o <OUT_PATH>

After the script finishes running, the output directory specified with <OUT_PATH> will contain 5 subdirectories as follows:

  • src: contains C source code of generated programs
  • bin: contains compiled binaries of generated programs
  • txt: contains array form of mazes used in generating programs
  • png: contains images (.png files) of mazes used
  • sln: contains the shortest solution path for each maze

Generating a large benchmark

To generate multiple programs for building a large benchmark, you can use generate_benchmark.py as follows:

$ cd scripts
$ python3 ./generate_benchmark.py <FILE_PATH> <OUT_PATH>

Here, <FILE_PATH> is a path to the file that specifies the configuration of programs to be generated. The template for the configuration of a program is:

<algorithm>,<width>,<height>,<seed>,<index>,<percentage of cycles>,<generator>

Below is an example file for the two programs generated above with generate.sh.


Running a fuzzing experiment

To run fuzzers on the generated benchmark in a separate docker container:

$ python3 ./scripts/run_tools.py <CONFIG_FILE> <FUZZ_OUT>

An example of the configuration file (<CONFIG_FILE>) is provided below.

    "MazeList" : "../examples/example1.list",
    "Repeats"  : 1,
    "Duration" : 60,
    "MazeDir"  : "../examples/example1_benchmark",
    "Tools"    : ["afl", "afl++", "aflgo", "eclipser", "fuzzolic"]
  • MazeList: path to the list of programs in the benchmark
  • Repeats: number of repeats for each fuzzer
  • Duration: length of fuzzing campaign in minutes
  • MazeDir: path to a directory that contains benchmark programs
  • Tools: one or more of the available fuzzers (afl, afl++, aflgo, eclipser, fuzzolic)

Note that all paths (MazeList and MazeDir) should be either absolute paths or relative paths from the scripts directory.

More examples of configuration files are provided under examples directory. Running each example should take about 1 hour. Please refer to Examples section for more details.

After the experiment is finished, the output directory (<FUZZ_OUT>) will contain generated testcases from each run as well as code coverage measured with gcov.

Storing and summarizing results

Once the fuzzing campaign is finished, the coverage and bug finding results can be summarized in csv format using the script as follows:

$ ./scripts/save_results.sh <FUZZ_OUT> <FILE_PATH> <PARAM> <DURATION> <MODE>
  • <FUZZ_OUT>: directory that contains fuzzing outputs
  • <FILE_PATH>: path to save the output file

The script summarizes the fuzzing results based on the given parameter and fuzzing duration. For example, by running:

$ ./scripts/save_results.sh <FUZZ_OUT> <FILE_PATH> Algorithm 24 paper

each fuzzer's performance after 24 hours across different maze generation algorithms will be displayed on the screen.

  • <PARAM>: one of four parameters of Fuzzle (Algorithm, Size, Cycle, Generator)
  • <DURATION>: length of fuzzing campaign in hours
  • <MODE>: paper for displaying tables similar to the ones shown in the paper, fuzzer for displaying summarized results for each fuzzer.

Visualizing coverage results

You can also visualize the code coverage results in the form of 2D maze, where each cell represents a function in the program. The script for visualization takes maze array (.txt), coverage results (.gcov), and maze size as input and returns a png file.

$ python3 ./scripts/visualize.py <TXT_PATH> <COV_PATH> <OUT_PATH> <SIZE>
  • <TXT_PATH>: path to .txt file for the chosen maze. Note that such files are automatically created under the txt directory when generating a benchmark.
  • <COV_PATH>: path to .gcov file that contains coverage information. The script for running fuzzers (run_tools.py) saves hourly coverage results in the output directory.


There are 3 sets of examples (example#.list and example#.conf) each of which takes about 1 hour to run.

To generate the benchmark and test the fuzzers using these examples, run the following commands from the scripts directory:

$ python3 ./generate_benchmark.py ../examples/example#.list ../examples/example#_benchmark
$ python3 ./run_tools.py ../examples/example#.conf ../examples/example#_outputs
$ ./save_results.sh ../examples/example#_outputs ../examples/example#_outputs/example#_results <PARAM> 0 paper > ../examples/example#_outputs/example#_summary
$ cat ../examples/example#_outputs/example#_summary

Note that you should replace # with the example number. Also, you should use the matching pair to run the experiment. For example, if you used example1.list to generate the benchmark, you should use example1.conf to run the fuzzers.

Because each example varies different parameters, <PARAM> for save_results.sh script is specific to each example.

  • For example 1: Algorithm
  • For example 2: Size
  • For example 3: Generator

The fuzzing results for each experiment will be saved in the example#_outputs directory.


In this tutorial, we will generate a benchmark consisting of 5 programs and run AFL on the generated benchmark for 5 minutes per program. We will then visualize the coverage results from one of the fuzzing campaigns using Fuzzle.

  1. Generate the benchmark with:
$ cd scripts
$ python3 ./generate_benchmark.py ../tutorial/programs.list ../tutorial/benchmark

Note that programs.list contains the configurations of 5 programs to be generated.

  1. Run AFL:
$ python3 ./run_tools.py ../tutorial/run.conf ../tutorial/outputs

The run.conf file specifies the path to the generated benchmark, the duration of the fuzzing run (5 minutes), and the fuzzer to run (AFL). This step will take approximately 1 hour.

  1. Store and visualize results:
$ ./save_results.sh ../tutorial/outputs ../tutorial/results Algorithm 0 paper > ../tutorial/summary
$ cat ../tutorial/summary
$ PATH_TO_TXT=../tutorial/benchmark/txt/Wilsons_20x20_1_1.txt
$ PATH_TO_COV=../tutorial/outputs/cov_gcov_Wilsons_20x20_1_1_25percent_default_gen_afl_0/Wilsons_20x20_1_1_25percent_default_gen_afl_0.c.gcov
$ python3 ./visualize.py $PATH_TO_TXT $PATH_TO_COV ../tutorial/wilsons 20

The fuzzing results will be stored in results.csv and the summary of results will be printed out to the screen. You can also check the visual aid generated (wilsons.png) in the tutorial directory.


We publicize the artifacts to help reproduce the experiments in our paper. Please check our Fuzzle-Artifact repository.


If you use Fuzzle in scientific work, consider citing our paper:

  author = {Haeun Lee and Soomin Kim and Sang Kil Cha},
  title = {{Fuzzle}: Making a Puzzle for Fuzzers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering},
  year = 2022