
Another test task from a nameless company with great ambitions, recognized market leaders and blah blah .. .

Primary LanguageC++


Another test task from a nameless company with great ambitions, recognized market leaders and blah blah .. .

Check Client OS Server OS
Ok Debian 11 Debian 11
Ok Windows 10 Windows 10
Ok Windows 10 Debian 11
??? Debian 11 Windows 10

Test description: LED control It is necessary to implement a camera LED control system. The camera LED (LED) is characterized by the following set of parameters.

  1. Status (state): on / off.
  2. Color (color): red, green, blue.
  3. Measurement frequency (rating): 0..5 (in Hertz).

The system should consist of 2 components.

  1. Application in C ++ (server) that simulates interaction with the LED.
  2. C++ application (client) that provides an interface to control the LED.


Command Argument Result Description
set-led-state on, off OK, FAILED turn on/off LED
get-led-state OK on off, FAILED
set-led-color red, green, blue OK, FAILED set LED color
get-led-color OK red green
set-led-rate 0..5 OK, FAILED set LED rate
get-led-rate OK 0..5, FAILED get LED rate

Examples: Req – request, Res – response.
Req: "get-led-state\n"
Res: "OK on\n"

Req: "set-led-color yellow\n"
Res: "FAILED\n"


  1. The server architecture should make it easy to add new commands and change the logic of the existing ones.
  2. The server must be able to work with multiple clients, serving requests in real time.
  3. The server must correctly handle any abnormal situations and errors.


  1. The client architecture should make it easy to add new commands and change the logic of the existing ones.


  1. Language and Libraries: ISO C++ (up to and including 17) and its standard library, Boost and/or glibc (for Linux).
  2. The code must be designed to build and run modern distributions of the Linux OS.
  3. Build system: GNU Make or CMake.