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Executing VSCode Settings (for Linux, already for Mac and Windows)

Who does not find it super annoying to have to configure IDE's? DotCode is intended to facilitate at least 90% of these predefined settings to assist in user development.

How to use?

Currently it is necessary to clone our repository in the machine, but soon we will solve this (ಥ﹏ಥ)

  1. Download a of the repository.
  2. Clone to the folder of your choice
  3. Copy and paste the following line into the Terminal, and press Enter:
cd ~/folder-of-your-choice && ./install.sh

And watch the page happen in your terminal <3

The script will ask if you want to install the extensions. Enter y for yes and n for no

Ready to install VSCode extensions? I swear it's quick! [y|N]

This command will install all of the extensions listed below in your IDE, that's cool!

Are we going to install the settings? [y|N]

You can back up your previous settings by answering yes and then accepting the new settings


Useful Extensions

  • “Auto Close Tag e Auto Rename Tag”
  • “ESLint”
  • “EditorConfig for VS Code”
  • “REST Client”
  • “CSS Peek”
  • “Debugger for Chrome”
  • “Docker”
  • “Git History”
  • “Javascript (ES6) code snippets”
  • “Javascript Booster”
  • “Live Server”
  • “React-Navite/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7”
  • “React Native Tools”
  • “StandardJS - Javascript Standard Style”
  • “Vetur”
  • “VS Live Share”
