
Stateful streaming computations implemented with many technologies

Primary LanguagePython

Stateful stream processing in Python

This repository shows how to implement stateful stream processing of a Kafka stream in Python. The same logic has been implemented with multiple technologies, in their respective folders.

You'll need many Python versions or at least many virtual environments to run all the examples, since the technologies have varying support for different Python versions.

Here are the versions we tested:

Tool Python version
Kafka 3.11
Flink 3.9
Spark 3.11
Bytewax 3.10

We will be running the stream processing locally, so you don't need existing infrastructure to try the tools!

We will generate events to a Kafka stream, and process those events with stateful semantics. The first example we implement is summing the data of each sensor in a time window of a given length. If you use a long enough window, the sensor values should sum to approximately the same values.

How to use this repository

Firstly, you should have a local Kafka instance, since the examples here don't support authentication to remote clusters. You may spin up a local cluster using the docker-compose.yml file in the kafka folder.

cd kafka
docker compose up -d

By default you'll now have a cluster running at

Next, you need to create a new Kafka topic and start streaming messages to it. To interact with the Kafka cluster, we provide Python tools in the kafka folder. Spin up a Python virtual environment using your favourite tool, and run

pip install -r kafka/requirements.txt
python kafka/create_topic.py -a -t iot
python kafka/produce.py -s 3

All programs will accept arguments for the Kafka address and topic name, but they default to and iot.

which will create the iot topic to your local cluster, and start the event stream emulating n sensors. The sensors produce intereger values from the Poisson distribution every second, emulating events such as number of occurences.

Now you are ready to test the different stateful stream processing technologies!


Make a new virtual environment with Python version corresponding the above table. Then run

pip install -r bytewax/requirements.txt
python bytewax/iot.py

Which will start statefully processing the iot log. You can see more configuration options with

python bytewax/iot.py -h

Note that we don't need any additional dependencies to run Bytewax locally.


Make a new venv with the correct Python version and install PyFlink:

pip install -r flink/requirements.txt
python flink/iot.py

You will need additional dependencies to run Flink locally. These are packaged as jar files. The matching versions are

  • flink-connector-kafka-1.16.1.jar
  • kafka-clients-3.3.2.jar

which should be given to Flink in code with env.add_jars() or placed to the pyflink/lib folder of your virtual environments site-packages. I've used the latter method here.


We'll be using the Spark Structured Streaming tools. Dependencies are installed with

pip install -r spark/requirements.txt

This will install PySpark and give you the spark-submit and spark-shell tools. To run the stream processor, we need to tell Spark what additional dependencies are needed. This can be done together with submitting the stream processing job. Run:

spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.3.1 spark/iot.py

With Spark, you should be mindful that the spark-sql-kafka package you specify (Spark will do the downloading for you) matches your Scala and Spark versions.

Also, beware the log :)


You can read a more detailed evaluation of each technology here from our blog!
