This project works on both Android & iOS platforms. I had a challange, I needed to adapt a nice design for my project, and I did it.
You can see below the my Dribbble UI challange, and screenshots & gifs from the application. Feel free to use.
- auto_size_text
- intl_phone_number_input
- auto_route
- flow_builder
- wave
- pin_code_fields
- bot_toast
- progress_indicators
- cupertino_icons
- flutter_bloc
- freezed_annotation
- firebase_core
- firebase_auth
- build_runner
- freezed
- auto_route_generator
Since the firebase project keys are private, I did not share them. If you want to use this application, first you must complete the firebase authentication process.
Apart from that, If you want to build iOS application, you also must complete the Phone Auth For iOS.
For Firebase:
For iOS:
Design link:
Note: Because of the GIF's pixels, colors etc. seems not enough good. You can check the images for the UI.