
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

UQLibrary Course Project README

UQLibrary is a package for sensitivity and identifiability analysis using methods such as parameter subset, active subspace, Morris, and Sobol analyses.


UQLibrary can be installed from pip using the command,

pip install UQLibrary

Required dependencies are numpy, scipy, mpi4py, matplotlib, and tabulate.

Running UQLibrary

UQLibrary is designed to be imported as a module to a script where the required objects can be built to run its sensitivity and identifiability analysis functions. However, an example implementation of UQLibrary can be run using the command,

python3 -m UQLibrary

The source code for this example can be found in the __main __.py file of UQLibrary.

All methods of UQLibrary can be run collectively through the function UQLibrary.run_uq which requires as inputs variables of class UQLibrary.Model and UQLibrary.Options. Constructing a variable of UQLibrary.Model requires providing base_poi, a one-dimensional numpy array of nominal parameter vaules, and eval_fcn, a function which inputs a numpy array of parameter values and outputs a numpy array of quantities of interest. For local sensitivity analysis methods, these arrays can be one dimensional, but for global sensitivity analysis methods they must be able to be two-dimensional such that the first dimension is the number of model evaluations to perform and the second dimension is the set of parameters/ outputs at each evaluation. UQLibrary.Model also automatically generates arrays of parameter and quantity names along with parameter sampling distributions but these can be manually set using keyword arguments.

UQLibrary.Options contains specifications on which sensitivity and identifiability analysis methods to run, required hyper-parameters, and how to display and save results. All components of UQLibrary.Options are automatically generated at initialization but can be specified by the user using keyword arguments. Examples of how to formulate both these variables can be found in UQLibrary.examples. UQLibrary.run_uq also takes the keyword argument logging which determines which intermediate messages to print where 0 or False is none, 1 or True is print when each method or function begins running, and integers 2 or greater is to print when methods or function begin running and results of intermediate steps.

Interpreting UQLibrary Results

Running UQLibrary.run_uq outputs a variable of class UQLibrary.Results which contains numpy arrays of all results from methods selected in UQLibrary.Options such as local sensitivity indices, active and inactive subspaces, Sobol indices, and Morris indices. These results are grouped under two frields of UQLibrary.Results, lsa and gsa, according to which submodule the corresponding method is in. UQLibrary.run_uq can also print tables of the results to either the command line or a "Results.txt." When Sobol analysi is used, UQLibrary.run_uq can also construct scatter plots of the parameter samples and their correlation to each output quantity. Whether each of these methods is used to display results is detailed in UQLibrary.Options

functions to a project requires formulating a function which inputs a numpy array of parameter values and outputs a numpy array of quantities of interest. For local sensitivity analysis methods, these arrays can be one dimensional, but for global sensitivity analysis methods they must be able to be two-dimensional such that the first dimension is the number of model evaluations to perform and the second dimension is the set of parameters/ outputs at each evaluation. Examples of how to formulate these functions can be found in UQLibrary.examples.

Example Case: Ishigami function

To showcase running UQLibrary we consider local sensitivity and Sobol analysis of the Ishigami function,

f(x) = sin(x1) + a sin(x2)2+b x34sin(x1).

In UQLibrary.examples we wrote a function Ishigami which computes f(x) for at a=7 and b=0.1. We additionally assume that that x1, x2, and x3 have base values of 0 and are all uniformly distributed in [-pi, pi] and that we sample using Saltelli low-discrepency samples. To construct the corresponding object of class UQLibrary.Model we call,

model = UQLibrary.Model(eval_fcn=Ishigami,
                         base_poi=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
                         dist_type="saltelli uniform",
                         dist_param=np.array([[-math.pi, -math.pi, -math.pi],\
                              [math.pi, math.pi, math.pi]]))

We next aim to set our run settings using the UQLibrary.Options class but want to specify that we only use local sensitivity analysis and Sobol analysis. We also want to specify we use finite difference derivative approximations with step-size h=10-6 and use 100000 samples for Sobol analysis. To construct the corresponding variable we call,

options = UQLibrary.Options()
options.lsa.method = 'finite'
options.lsa.xDelta = 10**(-6)
options.gsa.nSampSobol = 100000          # Use default number of samples

Now, having constructed our required variables, we run

results = UQLibrary.run_uq(model, options, logging =0)

which prints to command line and saves in "Results.txt" the following results for sensitivity analysis.

Base POI Values
  POI0    POI1    POI2
------  ------  ------
     0       0       0

 Base QOI Values

 Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Relative Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Sobol Indices for POI0
        1st Order    Total Sensitivity
----  -----------  -------------------
POI0    0.126062              0.906936
POI1    0.0862534             0.085604
POI2   -0.0172513             0.776759

 Morris Screening Results for POI0
        mu_star    sigma
----  ---------  -------
POI0    2.56189  2.91683
POI1    3.39627  3.01568
POI2    1.86548  2.53656

 Base POI Values
  POI0    POI1    POI2
------  ------  ------
     0       0       0

 Base QOI Values

 Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Relative Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Sobol Indices for POI0
        1st Order    Total Sensitivity
----  -----------  -------------------
POI0   0.124831              0.923706
POI1   0.0859534             0.0852085
POI2  -0.00552825            0.791928

 Morris Screening Results for POI0
        mu_star     sigma
----  ---------  --------
POI0   0.574754  0.591535
POI1   2.56448   2.97578
POI2   0.188533  0.222611

 Base POI Values
  POI0    POI1    POI2
------  ------  ------
     0       0       0

 Base QOI Values

 Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Relative Sensitivity Indices
----  ------
POI0       0
POI1       0
POI2       0

 Sobol Indices for POI0
        1st Order    Total Sensitivity
----  -----------  -------------------
POI0    0.124298             0.911996
POI1    0.0838929            0.0844483
POI2   -0.0378661            0.793264

 Morris Screening Results for POI0
        mu_star     sigma
----  ---------  --------
POI0   0.846896  0.666396
POI1   4.69346   5.0475
POI2   0.27566   0.358165