Application to view all kinds of PUBG related statistics for the Make A Stand discord gamers.
Statically generated site with hugo, containing 1 page with an embedded VueJS component to consume and render a REST API, made accessible via AWS Lambda.
AWS Lambda function(s) that consume the PUBG API, and might cache data on AWS RDS or whatever.
A (temporary?) java backend to consume the PUBG API.
We've got a semi-functional stub for the PUBG API implemented with Express
cd make-a-stats/pubg-stub
npm install
npm start
Modify players.js or matches.js to determine what players and matches there are.
There is some logic to deal with filter queries and path params.
For testing purposes this stub does not have throttling like the PUBG API does.
You can regenerate matches and players by calling http://localhost:3333/pubg-stub/regen?with[playerNames]=sch3lp,jooones&with[minMaxMatches]=1,4&with[minMaxKills]=2,9
Install frontend dependencies and run application locally:
cd make-a-stats/frontend
npm install
npm run serve
Loosely basing this code on
cd make-a-stats/backend
npm install
npm start
src/Stats/API.elm contains the source code that is loaded via the src/Stats/api.js JS bridge.
The JS Bridge is loaded via the Serverless JS package.
Chaining http requests to the PUBG API, by first getting the players, and then the matches of those players is done by transforming Http.get's to Tasks. Read this article for an explanation and easier example.
in your environment (aws configure
Make sure the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
maps to a user with restricted privileges that are sufficient for Serverless.
cd make-a-stats/backend
npm run deploy
You can also choose your aws profile to deploy with:
cd make-a-stats/backend
npm run deploy -- --profile <your local aws profile>
Read more about this configuration on the Serverless docs site.
Build code:
cd make-a-stats/backend_java
./gradlew clean build
Setup local machine to connect to the pubg developer api:
- Place the property
in a.key/pubgapi.key
file in your user's home directory where<dev-api-key>
is your api key retrieved from https://developer.playbattlegrounds.comcd ~
mkdir .key
nano .key/pubgapi.key
- add
Start application locally: Build code:
cd make-a-stats/backend_java
./gradlew bootRun
Navigate to http://localhost:8888/api/player/ and suffix the url with a player name
Change the boolean USE_STUB in the PubgApiCaller class to determine if the backup needs to use the
or the actual pubg-api.
Currently, the request is very slow as we have to wait 6 seconds between each request to the pubg api. For one player with 20 matches played since 14 days, we have to make 1 player request and 20 match requests meaning we will have to wait 1 * 6 + 20 * 6 = 126 seconds. If 2 players are requested at the same time, errors will occur because of too many requests.