
This Stemmer will help you to stem a string in addition to some features, remove stop words, remove single letters such as (a b c d etc...), remove single numbers (1 2 3 4 5 etc...), remove undesired characters such as ($ # @ ^ % &)

Primary LanguageJava


This Stemmer will help you to stem a string in addition to some features

  • Remove stop words
  • Remove single letters such as (a b c d etc...)
  • Remove single numbers (1 2 3 4 5 etc...)
  • Remove undesired characters such as ($ # @ ^ % &)

Getting started

  • Clone the repo

  • Import all libraries in the directory libs

  • Running the code

    • Import Stemmer.Stemmer
    • Create a Stemmer object
    • Call the method stem
  • Enjoy!


import Stemmer.Stemmer;
Stemmer S = new Stemmer();
String Stemmed = S.stem("The string to be stemmed")

Running a test

We can use the main as a test for this Stemmer



The output of this code will be

main function test enjoi 1234 abcd

Build with

Development and support

If you have any questions on how to use this stemmer, or have ideas for future development, please send me an e-mail to sofyan1020@gmail.com.


Sofyan Mahmoud - computer engineer