This Stemmer will help you to stem a string in addition to some features
- Remove stop words
- Remove single letters such as (a b c d etc...)
- Remove single numbers (1 2 3 4 5 etc...)
- Remove undesired characters such as ($ # @ ^ % &)
Clone the repo
Import all libraries in the directory libs
Running the code
- Import Stemmer.Stemmer
- Create a Stemmer object
- Call the method stem
import Stemmer.Stemmer;
Stemmer S = new Stemmer();
String Stemmed = S.stem("The string to be stemmed")
We can use the main as a test for this Stemmer
The output of this code will be
main function test enjoi 1234 abcd
- Java - Language used.
- lucence-snowball - Library used to stem
If you have any questions on how to use this stemmer, or have ideas for future development, please send me an e-mail to
Sofyan Mahmoud - computer engineer