
Test of knowledge for SMYT company

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Test of knowledge for SMYT company

What I did and what I used

  • Custom store with random data
  • Base class extending
  • Namespaces using
  • Right components communication
  • Some base ExtJS css classes overrides
  • Source code structure
  • AJAX sending
  • Events using
  • Custom xtype using
  • Independent of column moving actioncolumn icons changing
  • ...and more =)


  1. git clone https://github.com/Sogl/smyt-test && cd smyt-test
  2. git submodule foreach git pull
  3. git submodule update --init
  4. cd extjs && git checkout tags/ && cd ..
  5. Open index.html

For sending AJAX requests you need to run example on HTTP server (Apache, ngnix).


Public repo that I used as submodule: https://github.com/probonogeek/extjs
Forum thread with download link: https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?260398-Ext-JS-!