
Several visualizations have been requested from us to show whether this business proposal is acceptable or not. These visualizations consist of displaying the length of time all genders use these bikes, and counting the number of bike trips for all genders and type of users for each hour of every day in the week.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Overview of the analysis

Several visualizations have been requested from us to show whether this business proposal is acceptable or not. These visualizations consist of displaying the length of time all genders use these bikes, and counting the number of bike trips for all genders and type of users for each hour of every day in the week. Finally, two previous visualizations are added to our story to persuade the audience more vigorosly.



5 minutes is the highest time of usage for these bikes, and most of the users spend less than an hour on these bikes.


Men use these bikes more often compared to female and unknown gender people.


Most people use these bikes from 6 to 9 am and 4 to 7 pm on weekdays, whereas most people use these bikes from 10 am to 7 pm on weekends.


Again these bikes are used more often by men at rush hours on weekdays, while they are used throughout the day until 8 pm on weekends. But, female and unknown genders follow the same pattern; however, the numbers are lower.


Men and women who are subscribers use these bikes more often, especially on weekdays.


Around 65% of the users are male, and 25 percent of the users are female.


Around 80 % of the people are subcribers.


Since most users are men, they use these bikes way more, and most of them are subscribers, so it makes sense for the bike users to be primarily subscribers. They use these bikes from 6 to 9 am and from 4 to 7 pm on weekdays, while they use these bikes throughout the day until 7 pm on weekends. We could also present a visualization for the number of times each bike was used and the total duration each bike was utilized.

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