Tower-Defence By Jukka Vatjus-Anttila 1st game engine build. This is project aiming to replicate good'old TD action known from Warcraft3 custom maps. No breakthroughs planned as of yet to game mechanics or logic but hopes are high. Version history. (Not all details covered.) Possible timestamps in <> format. v0.1.6 - 6.9.2012 - Lots of SFML dependencies removed. Project now using home made X11/GLESv2 renderer. - Works only on linux. - Eventhandler now can pump X11 events out of the X11 window context. - Background color can be changed using QWER/ASDF keys. v0.1.5 - 28.09.2012 - Began removing sfml-window dependency and started integrating to my own renderer subsystem. v0.1.1 - New licensing policy. See LICENSE.TXT for more information. - Date: 29.02.2012 v0.1.0 - Completely reworked gameloop. - Introduces new classes: Eventhandler and renderer. - Lots of changes to underlying gamelogic. - ASDF places different towers (represented as different colored circles.) - ZXCV places enemies (represented as different colored squares) and they move erratically. - Towers fire LASER toward enemies. - Renderer uses SFML primitives for drawing but this is going to change to pure GLES2.0 in the future. v0.0.6 - Work has began with sfml renderwindow testing. - Currently renderwindow opens and left mouse places tower and right mouse enemy - No GFX yet. Logic still works. Towers acquire targets and enemies die. No one moves though. - Gonna fine tune gamelogic more before starting any visual presentation over OGL. - Soon propably moving to beta branch so master can be kept more stable with progression. v0.0.5 - Removed SDL and introduced Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - SFML - sf::Clock() now keeps track of frametimes -> gameloop now works realtime -> Framerate can be adjusted -> towerEntity now reloads ammunition for two seconds after every shot. v0.0.3 - cMapper class -> Is singleton -> stores all created entities. (atleast that is the plan) TODO - Integrate cMapper with global update. v0.0.2 ------ - Cmake integration v0.0.1 ------ - Game entities - Basic datamodel building