
This module is one of essential components of Telegram bot application, specifically designed to detect and process Ethereum addresses directly shared in Telegram messages. Upon detection, it utilizes the telegram_alerts.py module to send formatted alerts to a specified Telegram chat or channel.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Direct Address Telegram Listener

The direct_address_tg_listener.py module is one of essential components of Telegram bot application, specifically designed to detect and process Ethereum addresses directly shared in Telegram messages. Upon detection, it utilizes the telegram_alerts.py module to send formatted alerts to a specified Telegram chat or channel.


  • Ethereum Address Detection: Automatically identifies Ethereum addresses within the text of Telegram messages.
  • Alert Integration: Sends notifications with detected Ethereum address details using the telegram_alerts.py module.
  • Scalable and Extensible: Easily extendable to include additional functionalities such as address validation or interaction with blockchain APIs.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.6 or newer.
  • A registered Telegram bot with access to the Telegram API.
  • The Telethon library installed for Telegram API interactions.
  • Proper configuration in the telegram_alerts.py module for alert messaging.


1. Verify Python Installation:

Confirm that Python 3.6+ and pip are installed on your system.

2. Install Telethon:

If not already present, install the Telethon package:

pip install telethon

3. Set Up Bot Credentials:

Ensure your credentials_telegram.json file is correctly configured with your api_id, api_hash, and bot_token.


direct_address_tg_listener.py is designed to be integrated within the Telegram bot's main message processing flow:

1. Import and Use in Main Script:

The main listener script (tg_message_listener_main.py) should import and use this module to process messages that potentially contain direct Ethereum addresses.

2. Run Your Telegram Bot:

Execute your bot's main script to start listening for and processing messages:

python tg_message_listener_main.py


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for new features, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


For issues, questions, or contributions, please open an issue in the GitHub repository.

Feedback and contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.